[HTML][HTML] Reading children's teeth to reconstruct life history and the evolution of human cooperation and cognition: the role of dental enamel microstructure and …
Studying infants in the past is crucial for understanding the evolution of human life history
and the evolution of cooperation, cognition, and communication. An infant's growth, health …
and the evolution of cooperation, cognition, and communication. An infant's growth, health …
The residential occupation of the Gruta da Aroeira (Almonda, Portugal) cave site: shedding light on hunting and subsistence practices in the Middle Pleistocene of …
Abstract The Gruta da Aroeira (Torres Novas, Portugal), with evidence of human occupancy
dating back∼ 400,000 years, is one of very few Middle Pleistocene cave sites to provide a …
dating back∼ 400,000 years, is one of very few Middle Pleistocene cave sites to provide a …
[HTML][HTML] A Data-Driven Paradigm Shift for the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic Transition and the Neandertal Debate
Based on morphologically undiagnostic human remains from the southern Balkans and
central Europe, it has been argued that the Bachokirian and Ranisian industries stand for …
central Europe, it has been argued that the Bachokirian and Ranisian industries stand for …
Formation processes, fire use, and patterns of human occupation across the Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 5a-5b) of Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda karst system, Torres Novas …
Gruta da Oliveira features ac. 13 m-thick infilling that includes ac. 6.5 m-thick archaeological
deposit (the “Middle Palaeolithic sequence” complex), which Bayesian modelling of …
deposit (the “Middle Palaeolithic sequence” complex), which Bayesian modelling of …
Through Time: Reconstructing Palaeolithic Occupations Through Use-Wear Analysis in the Middle Palaeolithic Site of Ciota Ciara (Borgosesia, Italy)
Lithic use-wear analysis, through defining site function and allowing reconstructing of
patterns of human occupation, can contribute to our understanding of archaeological …
patterns of human occupation, can contribute to our understanding of archaeological …
[PDF][PDF] Variabilidade climática e adaptação humana durante o último período glaciar: um projeto multidisciplinar na região do Vale do Côa (nordeste de Portugal)
Resumo O Projeto «CLIMATE@ COA–COA/CAC/0031/2019» propõe uma abordagem
integrada multidisciplinar baseada em análises estratigráficas, sedimentológicas …
integrada multidisciplinar baseada em análises estratigráficas, sedimentológicas …
[PDF][PDF] A economia lítica da (s) comunidade (s) de caçadores do Paleolítico Médio do Vale do Côa.
POS Ramos - 2023 - repositorio-aberto.up.pt
A presente dissertação increve-se no âmbito de uma candidatura a uma bolsa de
investigação ao abrigo do projeto CLIMATE@ COA-Clima e adaptação humana durante o …
investigação ao abrigo do projeto CLIMATE@ COA-Clima e adaptação humana durante o …
High-resolution evidence for dietary changes during the Late Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic in Europe
V Martinoia - 2024 - summit.sfu.ca
The study of past diets in archaeology has often used bone collagen stable isotope analysis
(SIA) as a key method to address questions of dietary changes through time. However, this …
(SIA) as a key method to address questions of dietary changes through time. However, this …
Beyond symbols of power: An integrated multi-scalar study of the life histories of Middle Neolithic elaborate objects
J Rowland - 2024 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
The British Middle Neolithic (c. 3500-2900 BC) is now recognised as a time of significant
social and cultural change. In lowland Britain at least, the period sees striking changes in …
social and cultural change. In lowland Britain at least, the period sees striking changes in …