Tuhan ada di mana-mana: Mencari makna bagi korban bencana di Indonesia

J Siahaya, KM Siahaya, N Rinukti - KURIOS (Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2020 - sttpb.ac.id
The phenomenon of natural disasters has been felt in recent years and has become a global
concern. This concern occurs because, the intensity of natural disasters that are increasingly …

Manusia Penata Alam Dan Bukan Penakluk Alam

YB Palari - Voice of HAMI: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama …, 2022 - stthami.ac.id
In this paper, aims to see how the responsibility of humans towards nature and will see what
impact it will have on humans if humans continue to conquer or exploit nature. related to this …

Effect of Learning Christian Religious Education in Pandemic of Covid-19 on Youth Faith Growth in Church

CM Samosir, FM Boiliu, NI Boiliu… - ICES 2021: Proceedings …, 2022 - books.google.com
This research is conducted at the Church of HKI Resort Lubukpakam to determine how
learning Christian religious education during the Covid-19 pandemic affects youth faith …

Ketahanan spiritual dalam memaknai peristiwa erupsi Sinabung di masyarakat Kuta Gugung

IS Sumual, A Christanto… - Jurnal Teologi Berita …, 2022 - e-journal.sttberitahidup.ac.id
The main focus of this research is related to the conditions experienced by the people on the
slopes of Mount Sinabung as victims of an eruption that has lasted for 11 years since 2010 …

Bencana dan Tindakan Kepedulian Sosial dalam Keberagamaan: Studi Komparasi Kitab Suci al-Qur'an dan Alkitab

A Qadri - Khazanah Theologia, 2021 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Indonesia adalah negara dengan potensi ancaman bencana yang tinggi, dari data BNPB
(Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) sampai 3 september 2020 hampir 4 juta …

TAGANA RAJAWALI: Peran Gereja dalam Membangun Kesiapan Bencana

RI Rahanra, E Hidayati, R Pieter - Kingdom, 2022 - ojs.sttkingdom.ac.id
Bencana baik yang bersifat alam ataupun non-alam merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat
dihindari dalam kehidupan manusia. Dampak yang ditimbulkannya bukan hanya …

Memahami Allah dalam Perspektif Teologis Bencana Banjir dan Implikasinya Bagi Orang Kristen di Desa Patila

A Jaya, D Patana - Jurnal Teologi Cultivation, 2022 - e-journal.iakntarutung.ac.id
In this paper, the author describes understanding God in the theological perspective from
the flood disaster that occurred in Patila Village. The problem of flooding that occurred there …

Peranan Ekologis Gereja

NL Hamaduna - Aletheia: Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2021 - jurnal-sttterpadusumba.ac.id
Bencana alam yang marak terjadi belakangan ini, mendorong banyak pihak memberi
perhatian lebih pada masalah lingkungan hidup. Banyak upaya preventif yang …


NK Ataupah, IT Harisantoso… - VISIO DEI: JURNAL …, 2024 - jurnal.sttstarslub.ac.id
This study explores the impact of a landslide disaster on the spiritual life of the Evangelical
Christian Church in Timor (GMIT) Victory Noelmina congregation, which consists of …

The Role of Environmental Verses in Responding to The Climate Crisis: A Comparative Dialogical Study of the Qur'an and the Bible

M Syihabuddin, AM Nadhifah - Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama …, 2024 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
The global climate crisis requires a multidimensional approach, including a religious
perspective. The Qur'an and the Bible, as the main sacred texts in the Islamic and Christian …