Neural Code—Neural Self-information Theory on How Cell-Assembly Code Rises from Spike Time and Neuronal Variability
A major stumbling block to cracking the real-time neural code is neuronal variability-neurons
discharge spikes with enormous variability not only across trials within the same …
discharge spikes with enormous variability not only across trials within the same …
Modelling attention control using a convolutional neural network designed after the ventral visual pathway
We recently proposed that attention control uses object-category representations consisting
of category-consistent features (CCFs), those features occurring frequently and consistently …
of category-consistent features (CCFs), those features occurring frequently and consistently …
Optimal burstiness in populations of spiking neurons facilitates decoding of decreases in tonic firing
A stimulus can be encoded in a population of spiking neurons through any change in the
statistics of the joint spike pattern, yet we commonly summarize single-trial population …
statistics of the joint spike pattern, yet we commonly summarize single-trial population …