Cannibalism in raptors: a review

ML Allen, A Inagaki, MP Ward - Journal of Raptor …, 2020 -
Feeding strategies, including cannibalism (in which an individual eats a member of the
same species), are an important aspect of predator ecology. Cannibalism comprises five …

New eyes on the world: advanced sensors for ecology

JH Porter, E Nagy, TK Kratz, P Hanson, SL Collins… - …, 2009 -
Innovative uses of advanced sensors and sensor networks are starting to be translated into
new ecological knowledge. These sensors are providing a new set of “eyes” through which …

Mortal Combat: Intraspecific Killing by an African Pygmy-Falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) to Acquire New Mate and Territory

A Lowney, K Green, BP Ngomane… - Journal of Raptor …, 2017 -
Intraspecific killing by birds while competing for resources should only occur when
individuals have severely limited breeding alternatives (Grafen 1987, Enquist and Leimar …

Intraspecific intrusion at Bald Eagle nests

C Turrin, BD Watts - Ardea, 2014 - BioOne
Competition for nesting territory has been shown to act as a density-dependent feedback
mechanism influencing population growth rate. However, little is known about the nature of …

Parental infanticide followed by cannibalism in Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)

M Korňan, M Macek - Journal of Raptor Research, 2011 - BioOne
Observations of parental infanticide in birds are rare (eg, Aguilera 1990, Urrutia and
Drummond 1990, Tortosa and Redonto 1992, Zieliński 2002); however, in some bird …

Cannibalism in common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

E Haddad, R Yosef - acta ethologica, 2022 - Springer
We report two separate observations of adult male common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
killing and feeding upon second-year (SY) conspecifics in Israel. On 22 January 2022, while …

Cannibalism by Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) at a small tropical archipelago

FM Neves, PL Mancini, FP Marques, GT Nunes… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2015 - Springer
Cannibalism is the total or partial consumption of a conspecific's body or eggs, and it has
been reported for many bird taxa, particularly carnivorous, colonial species, and those …

The cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus: cannibalism in its wintering ground

SG Kang - Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology, 2018 -
Cannibalism is a widely observed phenomenon in the animal kingdom. However, it is rarely
found among birds outside nests in the wild because it occurs irregularly and it is almost …

A possible case of infanticide and cannibalism in the Powerful Owl'Ninox strenua'

J Hollingsworth, RJ Bilney - Australian Field Ornithology, 2017 -
The remains of a recently consumed Powerful Owl'Ninox strenua'nestling were discovered
in two locations near an active nest: at a feeding perch frequently used by the breeding pair …

Cannibalism in Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus

FM de Lecea, A Hernando, A Illana, J Echegaray - Ardea, 2011 - BioOne
We describe an observation of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus killing and eating a conspecific
in Álava, northern Spain. We put this observation in the context of previous reports of …