Training and plasticity of working memory

T Klingberg - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2010 -
Working memory (WM) capacity predicts performance in a wide range of cognitive tasks.
Although WM capacity has been viewed as a constant trait, recent studies suggest that it can …

[HTML][HTML] Visual field maps in human cortex

BA Wandell, SO Dumoulin, AA Brewer - Neuron, 2007 -
Much of the visual cortex is organized into visual field maps: nearby neurons have receptive
fields at nearby locations in the image. Mammalian species generally have multiple visual …

Probabilistic maps of visual topography in human cortex

L Wang, REB Mruczek, MJ Arcaro, S Kastner - Cerebral cortex, 2015 -
The human visual system contains an array of topographically organized regions. Identifying
these regions in individual subjects is a powerful approach to group-level statistical analysis …

Human hippocampal replay during rest prioritizes weakly learned information and predicts memory performance

AC Schapiro, EA McDevitt, TT Rogers… - Nature …, 2018 -
The hippocampus replays experiences during quiet rest periods, and this replay benefits
subsequent memory. A critical open question is how memories are prioritized for this replay …

Flexible cognitive resources: competitive content maps for attention and memory

SL Franconeri, GA Alvarez, P Cavanagh - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2013 -
The brain has finite processing resources so that, as tasks become harder, performance
degrades. Where do the limits on these resources come from? We focus on a variety of …

Functions of the human frontoparietal attention network: Evidence from neuroimaging

M Scolari, KN Seidl-Rathkopf, S Kastner - Current opinion in behavioral …, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Frontoparietal network controls selection of spatial and non-spatial information.•
Frontoparietal network contains 18 distinct topographic representations.•Research is …

Topographic maps in human frontal and parietal cortex

MA Silver, S Kastner - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2009 -
Retinotopic mapping of functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) responses evoked by visual
stimuli has resulted in the identification of many areas in human visual cortex and a …

[HTML][HTML] Top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in biasing competition in the human brain

DM Beck, S Kastner - Vision research, 2009 - Elsevier
The biased competition theory of selective attention has been an influential neural theory of
attention, motivating numerous animal and human studies of visual attention and visual …

A central role for the lateral prefrontal cortex in goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention

CL Asplund, JJ Todd, AP Snyder, R Marois - Nature neuroscience, 2010 -
Attention is the process that selects which sensory information is preferentially processed
and ultimately reaches our awareness. Attention, however, is not a unitary process; it can be …

Attention modulates spatial priority maps in the human occipital, parietal and frontal cortices

TC Sprague, JT Serences - Nature neuroscience, 2013 -
Computational theories propose that attention modulates the topographical landscape of
spatial'priority'maps in regions of the visual cortex so that the location of an important object …