Efektivitas Hukum Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Hukum: Relasi Urgensi Sosialisasi Terhadap Eksistensi Produk Hukum

LMA Ahadi - Jurnal Usm Law Review, 2022 - journals.usm.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kembali efektivitas hukum dalam perspektif filsafat
hukum; sekaligus menelaah upaya rekonstruksi terhadap suatu postulat hukum. Peninjauan …

Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terhadap Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Utilitarianisme

IGA Kurniawan - Jurnal USM Law Review, 2022 - journals.usm.ac.id
This legal research aims to examine the existence of Constitutional Court Decision No.
91/PUU-XVIII/2020 from utilitarian philosophy while paying attention to the concept of …

[PDF][PDF] Filsafat Realisme Hukum Dalam Perspektif Ontologi, Aksiologi, Dan Epistemologi

C Bagenda - Jurnal Ius Constituendum, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Tujuan penelitian hukum ini adalah mengkaji dinamika konsep filsafat realisme hukum
sekaligus mengkaji realisme hukum ditinjau dari aspek aksiologi, ontologi, dan …

Kewenangan dan kekuatan Hukum Putusan yang Dikeluarkan oleh Kerta Desa Adat di Bali

PED Antari, IKBS Adnyana - Refleksi Hukum: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2023 - ejournal.uksw.edu
This paper analyses issues regarding customary law regulation in Bali through Bali
Provincial Regulation No. 4 of 2019. The issues are the authority of the Kerta Desa in …

Strengthening Customary Forest Rights for Indigenous People in Indonesia Green Constitution Framework

X Nugraha, AMA Wibisono, A Angelia… - Jurnal Kajian …, 2023 - jurnal.unej.ac.id
The ongoing struggle of indigenous people fighting for their rights to preserve the customary
forests underscores the critical need to protect both cultural heritage and environment. This …

Teori Legal Realism: Konsep Dan Eksistensinya Dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Di Indonesia

AB Mubarok, AY Rusyana… - … Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - journal.stishusnulkhotimah.ac.id
Tujuan dari artikel ini untuk membahas konsep teori legal realism serta keberadaanya
dalam hukum ekonomi syariah Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah …

The Perspectives of Legal Progressivism Concerning Song Royalty Payments

D Kurniawati - Syiah Kuala Law Journal, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
The Royalty is actually an economic right that must be accepted by the creator as a form of
respect and reward for a work. In this case, the existence of rules regarding the payment of …

Tolaki Customary Law Regulation on Tolaki Community Land Disputes in Lambandia District, East Kolaka Regency

PG Ramadhan, W Umar - Law and Justice, 2024 - journals2.ums.ac.id
Customary land is an essential aspect of the Tolaki tribal community, which is jointly owned
by them and holds great significance. However, disputes over customary land often arise …

The influence of positivism and empirism in the enforcement of Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia

JQ Zaman, AK Soleh, F Fadil… - … Journal of Law, 2024 - repository.uin-malang.ac.id
Positivism and empiricism are modern paradigms become the basic guidelines for the
schools of legal philosophy, namely legal positivism and legal realism. However, the current …

Mengenal Perbedaan Aliran Realisme Hukum Amerika Dan Aliran Realisme Hukum Skandinavia Dalam Filsafat Hukum

KA Farizky, MF Suherman - Das Sollen: Jurnal Kajian …, 2024 - journal.forikami.com
Humans have the advantage of a strong sense of curiosity, which produces knowledge as a
characteristic and differentiator in the social environment. Philosophy, especially legal …