A review on data-driven constitutive laws for solids
This review article highlights state-of-the-art data-driven techniques to discover, encode,
surrogate, or emulate constitutive laws that describe the path-independent and path …
surrogate, or emulate constitutive laws that describe the path-independent and path …
Multiscale modeling of materials: Computing, data science, uncertainty and goal-oriented optimization
The recent decades have seen various attempts at accelerating the process of developing
materials targeted towards specific applications. The performance required for a particular …
materials targeted towards specific applications. The performance required for a particular …
On the potential of recurrent neural networks for modeling path dependent plasticity
The mathematical description of elastoplasticity is a highly complex problem due to the
possible change from elastic to elasto-plastic behavior (and vice-versa) as a function of the …
possible change from elastic to elasto-plastic behavior (and vice-versa) as a function of the …
Modeling structure-property relationships with convolutional neural networks: Yield surface prediction based on microstructure images
The use of micromechanics in conjunction with homogenization theory allows for the
prediction of the effective mechanical properties of materials based on microstructural …
prediction of the effective mechanical properties of materials based on microstructural …
[HTML][HTML] From CP-FFT to CP-RNN: Recurrent neural network surrogate model of crystal plasticity
Abstract Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based surrogate models constitute an emerging
class of reduced order models of history-dependent material behavior. Recently, the authors …
class of reduced order models of history-dependent material behavior. Recently, the authors …
[HTML][HTML] Deep active learning for constitutive modelling of granular materials: From representative volume elements to implicit finite element modelling
Constitutive relation remains one of the most important, yet fundamental challenges in the
study of granular materials. Instead of using closed-form phenomenological models or …
study of granular materials. Instead of using closed-form phenomenological models or …
[HTML][HTML] On the importance of self-consistency in recurrent neural network models representing elasto-plastic solids
Recurrent neural networks could serve as surrogate material models, removing the gap
between component-level finite element simulations and numerically costly microscale …
between component-level finite element simulations and numerically costly microscale …
Using neural networks to represent von Mises plasticity with isotropic hardening
Neural networks are universal function approximators that form the backbone of most
modern machine learning based models. Starting from a conventional return-mapping …
modern machine learning based models. Starting from a conventional return-mapping …
[HTML][HTML] Plasticity and fracture of cast and SLM AlSi10Mg: High-throughput testing and modeling
Both additively-manufactured and cast metals are known to exhibit stochastic mechanical
properties at the macroscopic level. Using a robot-assisted mechanical testing system, more …
properties at the macroscopic level. Using a robot-assisted mechanical testing system, more …
[HTML][HTML] Counterexample-trained neural network model of rate and temperature dependent hardening with dynamic strain aging
Constitutive models dealing with the thermal and visco-plasticity of metals have seen wide
applications in the automotive industry. A basic plasticity and fracture characterization of a …
applications in the automotive industry. A basic plasticity and fracture characterization of a …