Activity time budgets—a potential tool to monitor equine welfare?

U Auer, Z Kelemen, V Engl, F Jenner - Animals, 2021 -
Simple Summary Horses' behavior is a good indicator of their welfare status. However, its
complexity requires objective, quantifiable, and unambiguous evidence-based assessment …

Estimating the energy expenditure of free‐ranging polar bears using tri‐axial accelerometers: A validation with doubly labeled water

AM Pagano, TM Williams - Ecology and Evolution, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Measures of energy expenditure can be used to inform animal conservation and
management, but methods for measuring the energy expenditure of free‐ranging animals …

Behavioural inference from signal processing using animal-borne multi-sensor loggers: a novel solution to extend the knowledge of sea turtle ecology

L Jeantet, V Planas-Bielsa… - Royal Society …, 2020 -
The identification of sea turtle behaviours is a prerequisite to predicting the activities and
time-budget of these animals in their natural habitat over the long term. However, this is …

Animal-borne acoustic data alone can provide high accuracy classification of activity budgets

A Thiebault, C Huetz, P Pistorius, T Aubin, I Charrier - Animal Biotelemetry, 2021 - Springer
Background Studies on animal behaviour often involve the quantification of the occurrence
and duration of various activities. When direct observations are challenging (eg, at night, in a …

Determining energy expenditure in a large seabird using accelerometry

GJ Sutton, LP Angel, JR Speakman… - Journal of …, 2023 -
The trade off between energy gained and expended is the foundation of understanding how,
why and when animals perform any activity. Based on the concept that animal movements …

A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags

B Hoffman, M Cusimano, V Baglione… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 -
Animal-borne sensors ('bio-loggers') can record a suite of kinematic and environmental data,
which can elucidate animal ecophysiology and improve conservation efforts. Machine …

Developing a classification system to assign activity states to two species of freshwater turtles

AC Auge, G Blouin-Demers, DL Murray - Plos one, 2022 -
Research in ecology often requires robust assessment of animal behaviour, but classifying
behavioural patterns in free-ranging animals and in natural environments can be especially …

Fully convolutional neural network: A solution to infer animal behaviours from multi-sensor data

L Jeantet, V Vigon, S Geiger, D Chevallier - Ecological Modelling, 2021 - Elsevier
Animal-attached accelerometers have been widely used to monitor species that are difficult
to observe, alongside the use of machine learning to identify behaviours from the obtained …

Using tri-axial accelerometer loggers to identify spawning behaviours of large pelagic fish

TM Clarke, SK Whitmarsh, JL Hounslow, AC Gleiss… - Movement ecology, 2021 - Springer
Background Tri-axial accelerometers have been used to remotely describe and identify in
situ behaviours of a range of animals without requiring direct observations. Datasets …

Equine activity time budgets: the effect of housing and management conditions on geriatric horses and horses with chronic orthopaedic disease

Z Kelemen, H Grimm, C Vogl, M Long, JMV Cavalleri… - Animals, 2021 -
Simple Summary Housing and management conditions strongly influence the health,
welfare and activity behaviour of horses. To improve horses' living conditions, it is necessary …