Labor market regulations: What do we know about their impacts in developing countries?

G Betcherman - The World Bank Research Observer, 2015 -
Labor market regulation is a high-profile, and often contentious, area of public policy.
Although these regulations have been studied most extensively in developed countries …

The effect of minimum wages on employment in emerging economies: a survey and meta-analysis

S Broecke, A Forti, M Vandeweyer - Oxford Development Studies, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Using both qualitative and quantitative (meta-analysis) methods, this paper reviews the
growing evidence on the impact of minimum wages on employment in 14 major emerging …

Labor costs and the adoption of robots in China

H Fan, Y Hu, L Tang - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021 - Elsevier
We study the effects of higher labor costs on the adoption of industrial robots by Chinese
firms. We use the number of robots imported by firms from the customs data to measure the …

Minimum wage employment effects and labour market concentration

J Azar, E Huet-Vaughn, I Marinescu… - Review of Economic …, 2024 -
This paper shows that more highly concentrated labour markets experience more positive
employment effects of the minimum wage. In the most concentrated labour markets …

Improving or disappearing: Firm-level adjustments to minimum wages in China

F Mayneris, S Poncet, T Zhang - Journal of Development Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
We here consider how Chinese firms react to higher minimum wages, exploiting the 2004
minimum-wage Reform in China. After this reform, we find that the wage costs for surviving …

Minimum wage and outward FDI from China

H Fan, F Lin, L Tang - Journal of Development Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
We construct a comprehensive manufacturing firm-level dataset to study the effects of
minimum wage increase in China on firms' probability of conducting outward foreign direct …

The distribution of household income in China: Inequality, poverty and policies

S Li, T Sicular - The China Quarterly, 2014 -
This article examines recent trends in inequality and poverty and the effects of distributional
policies in China. After a discussion of data and measurement issues, we present evidence …

The higher costs of doing business in China: Minimum wages and firms' export behavior

L Gan, MA Hernandez, S Ma - Journal of International Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper examines the relationship between changes in the minimum wage and firms'
export behavior in China using detailed firm-level data of medium and large manufacturing …

Firm response to competitive shocks: Evidence from China's minimum wage policy

H Hau, Y Huang, G Wang - The Review of Economic Studies, 2020 -
The large regional variation in minimum wage levels during the period 2002–8 in China
implies that Chinese manufacturing firms experienced competitive shocks as a function of …

Minimum wages in Sub-Saharan Africa: a primer

H Bhorat, R Kanbur, B Stanwix - The World Bank Research …, 2017 -
The fraction of workers currently covered by minimum wages in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is
small, but as formality and urbanization increase, wage regulation will become increasingly …