A feasibility study on the conversion from manual to semi-automatic material handling in an oil and gas service company
In manufacturing companies, manual material handling (MMH) involves lifting, pushing,
pulling, carrying, moving, and lowering objects, which can lead to musculoskeletal disorders …
pulling, carrying, moving, and lowering objects, which can lead to musculoskeletal disorders …
A proposed rapid upper limb assessment for pianists (RULA-p) 1
ZW Wong, JAB Othman, MN Abdullah Sani, TS Tan - Work, 2024 - content.iospress.com
BACKGROUND: Pianists often suffered from postural related problems due to prolonged
sitting and awkward postures. Despite that postural related problems are common among …
sitting and awkward postures. Despite that postural related problems are common among …
Influence Variables in Occupational Injuries among Men Teachers
MC Rey-Merchán, A López-Arquillos - Safety, 2022 - mdpi.com
Background: Occupational accidents suffered by male teachers can be a source of injury to
different parts of the body and can lead to absence from work. However, there are only a …
different parts of the body and can lead to absence from work. However, there are only a …
Overuse injuries in musicians as an interdisciplinary problem: yesterday, today, tomorrow Part I
VI Berezutsky, MS Berezutska - Біль. Суглоби. Хребет= Боль …, 2020 - repo.dma.dp.ua
The problem of overuse injury among instrumentalist musicians has a very long history, but it
is very relevant today. The purpose of this article was to study the patterns of interdisciplinary …
is very relevant today. The purpose of this article was to study the patterns of interdisciplinary …
The structure of occupational diseases in first-third-year piano students
H Zhang - Pediatric Research, 2022 - nature.com
Background The aim is to analyze the structure of occupational diseases in first-third year
piano students studying. Methods A total sample of 300 individuals participating in the …
piano students studying. Methods A total sample of 300 individuals participating in the …
Професійні хвороби рук музикантів: одвічна проблема
МС Березуцька, ВІ Березуцький - … : Збірник наук. статей, 2021 - repo.dma.dp.ua
Мета статті–вивчення закономірностей розвитку міждисциплінарної взаємодії при
вирішенні проблеми професійних захворювань рук музикантів протягом всієї історії …
вирішенні проблеми професійних захворювань рук музикантів протягом всієї історії …
Análise e Caracterização de Lesões Musculoesqueléticas em Músicos Profissionais
CCRT Lima - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Esta dissertação pretende chamar a atenção da temática das lesões musculoesqueléticas
relacionadas com o trabalho (LMERT) em músicos profissionais. Esta temática tem muito …
relacionadas com o trabalho (LMERT) em músicos profissionais. Esta temática tem muito …
ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Травмы перенапряжения у музыкантов-инструменталистов-проблема с очень давней
историей, актуальная и в наши дни. Симптомы перегрузки встречаются у 50-85 …
историей, актуальная и в наши дни. Симптомы перегрузки встречаются у 50-85 …
Overuse injuries in musicians as an interdisciplinary problem: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Part II
ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник, 2020 - elibrary.ru
The overuse injury afflicting the instrumentalist musicians is a complex interdisciplinary
problem with a very long history. The problem is still relevant today: the overuse syndrome is …
problem with a very long history. The problem is still relevant today: the overuse syndrome is …
«Переигранная рука» или синдромы перенапряжения у музыкантов. Часть I: этиопатогенез, диагностика
ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Актуальні проблеми сучасної …, 2020 - repo.dma.dp.ua
Травмы перенапряжения встречаются у 50-85% музыкантов-инструменталистов и
проявляются в тендовагинитах, бурситах и туннельных синдромах, что ведет к …
проявляются в тендовагинитах, бурситах и туннельных синдромах, что ведет к …