A feasibility study on the conversion from manual to semi-automatic material handling in an oil and gas service company

A Saptari, PK Ng, M Junardi, A Taslim - Safety, 2023 - mdpi.com
In manufacturing companies, manual material handling (MMH) involves lifting, pushing,
pulling, carrying, moving, and lowering objects, which can lead to musculoskeletal disorders …

A proposed rapid upper limb assessment for pianists (RULA-p) 1

ZW Wong, JAB Othman, MN Abdullah Sani, TS Tan - Work, 2024 - content.iospress.com
BACKGROUND: Pianists often suffered from postural related problems due to prolonged
sitting and awkward postures. Despite that postural related problems are common among …

Influence Variables in Occupational Injuries among Men Teachers

MC Rey-Merchán, A López-Arquillos - Safety, 2022 - mdpi.com
Background: Occupational accidents suffered by male teachers can be a source of injury to
different parts of the body and can lead to absence from work. However, there are only a …

Overuse injuries in musicians as an interdisciplinary problem: yesterday, today, tomorrow Part I

VI Berezutsky, MS Berezutska - Біль. Суглоби. Хребет= Боль …, 2020 - repo.dma.dp.ua
The problem of overuse injury among instrumentalist musicians has a very long history, but it
is very relevant today. The purpose of this article was to study the patterns of interdisciplinary …

The structure of occupational diseases in first-third-year piano students

H Zhang - Pediatric Research, 2022 - nature.com
Background The aim is to analyze the structure of occupational diseases in first-third year
piano students studying. Methods A total sample of 300 individuals participating in the …

Професійні хвороби рук музикантів: одвічна проблема

МС Березуцька, ВІ Березуцький - … : Збірник наук. статей, 2021 - repo.dma.dp.ua
Мета статті–вивчення закономірностей розвитку міждисциплінарної взаємодії при
вирішенні проблеми професійних захворювань рук музикантів протягом всієї історії …

Análise e Caracterização de Lesões Musculoesqueléticas em Músicos Profissionais

CCRT Lima - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Esta dissertação pretende chamar a atenção da temática das lesões musculoesqueléticas
relacionadas com o trabalho (LMERT) em músicos profissionais. Esta temática tem muito …


ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Травмы перенапряжения у музыкантов-инструменталистов-проблема с очень давней
историей, актуальная и в наши дни. Симптомы перегрузки встречаются у 50-85 …

Overuse injuries in musicians as an interdisciplinary problem: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Part II

ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник, 2020 - elibrary.ru
The overuse injury afflicting the instrumentalist musicians is a complex interdisciplinary
problem with a very long history. The problem is still relevant today: the overuse syndrome is …

«Переигранная рука» или синдромы перенапряжения у музыкантов. Часть I: этиопатогенез, диагностика

ВИ Березуцкий, МС Березуцкая - Актуальні проблеми сучасної …, 2020 - repo.dma.dp.ua
Травмы перенапряжения встречаются у 50-85% музыкантов-инструменталистов и
проявляются в тендовагинитах, бурситах и туннельных синдромах, что ведет к …