[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan bahan ajar matematika berbasis komputer menggunakan flipbook maker disertai nilai islam pada materi peluang
A Munandar, S Rizki - AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan …, 2019 - academia.edu
The objective of the research was to produce computer-based learning materials of
probability using flipbook maker accompanied by Islamic value. The type of this research …
probability using flipbook maker accompanied by Islamic value. The type of this research …
Effects of a personalised ubiquitous learning support system on university students' learning performance and attitudes in computer-programming courses
S Chookaew, D Wanichsan… - … Journal of Mobile …, 2015 - inderscienceonline.com
To encourage university students to take computer-programming courses, this study
proposes a personalised ubiquitous learning support system based on multiple sources of …
proposes a personalised ubiquitous learning support system based on multiple sources of …
Efektifitas Bahan Ajar Dan Media Berbasis Ict Pada Materi Persamaan Dan Fungsi Kuadrat
S Rizki, Y Wildaniati - AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi …, 2015 - ojs.fkip.ummetro.ac.id
The objectives of this research are to know the practicality and the effectiveness of the
development of teaching material and ICT-based media toward learning outcome on …
development of teaching material and ICT-based media toward learning outcome on …
Learning styles and problem solving skills of Turkish prospective teachers
IE Gencel - International Journal of Progressive Education, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
Global changes in educational discourse have an impact on educational systems, so
teacher education programs need to be transformed to better train teachers and to contribute …
teacher education programs need to be transformed to better train teachers and to contribute …
Öğretmen adaylarının öğrenme stillerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi: Uludağ Üniversitesi örneği
Öğretim uygulamaları öğrenci özelliklerini dikkate almak durumundadır. Öğrenme stilleri bu
öğrenci özelliklerden sadece biridir. Bu çalışma öğretmen adaylarının öğrenme stillerini …
öğrenci özelliklerden sadece biridir. Bu çalışma öğretmen adaylarının öğrenme stillerini …
Kesiapan Guru dalam Penilaian Autentik pada Kurikulum Merdeka Pembelajaran IPAS di Sekolah Dasar
M Pebriyanti, FN Siagian - IBTIDA', 2024 - journal.faibillfath.ac.id
Penelitian ini memaparkan mengenai kesiapan guru dalam menerapkan penilaian autentik
pada Kurikulum Merdeka yang mencakup tahapan persiapan dan implementasi dalam …
pada Kurikulum Merdeka yang mencakup tahapan persiapan dan implementasi dalam …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Persamaan Dan Fungsi Kuadrat Berbasis ICT
S Rizki - Seminar Nasional Pendidikan MIPA. Universitas …, 2015 - repository.ummetro.ac.id
The objective of this research is to develop ICT-based teaching materials are valid for the
material of quadratic equations and functions. The model used in the research is the …
material of quadratic equations and functions. The model used in the research is the …
Development of learning material of integer and fractions based on interactive multimedia with Islamic values
The objective of this study was to produce learning material of integer and fractions based
on interactive multimedia with Islamic values that valid and practical. The type of this …
on interactive multimedia with Islamic values that valid and practical. The type of this …
Pengembangan rancangan pembelajaran berbasis experiental learning dengan alat bantu pembelajaran software metode elemen hingga berdasarkan analisis gaya …
R Handoko - 2019 - digilib.uns.ac.id
Pendidikan teknik tidak hanya tentang perolehan keterampilan praktis tertentu, tetapi juga
keterampilan konseptual, perencanaan, dan desain yang mendahului keterampilan praktis …
keterampilan konseptual, perencanaan, dan desain yang mendahului keterampilan praktis …
[PDF][PDF] Indexing/Abstracting
R Parkway - International Journal of Progressive Education, 2015 - inased.org
In this paper we examine challenges faced by students of color in an intervention program
[Opportunity] in a socially stratified community on California's Central Coast. The purpose of …
[Opportunity] in a socially stratified community on California's Central Coast. The purpose of …