[HTML][HTML] Suffering and response: Directions in empirical research

TJ VanderWeele - Social Science & Medicine, 2019 - Elsevier
This essay provides a discussion of the current state of, and future possibilities for, empirical
research on the topic of suffering. Discussion is given to the concept of suffering itself; …

Increasing our understanding of nonphysical suffering within palliative care: A scoping review

M Rattner - Palliative & Supportive Care, 2022 - cambridge.org
Objective Nonphysical suffering is emotional, psychological, existential, spiritual, and/or
social in nature. While palliative care is a discipline dedicated to the prevention and relief of …

Associations of suffering with facets of health and well-being among working adults: longitudinal evidence from two samples

RG Cowden, AJ Seidman, C Duffee… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Suffering is an experiential state that every person encounters at one time or another, yet
little is known about suffering and its consequences for the health and well-being of …

Sofrimento nos enfermeiros em cuidados de saúde primários

LM Pires, MJ Monteiro… - Revista de …, 2020 - revistas.rcaap.pt
Enquadramento: O sofrimento nos enfermeiros advém da prestação de cuidados ao doente
em sofrimento e de fatores relacionados com as condições de trabalho. É uma experiência …

Barriers and facilitators to multidimensional symptom management in palliative care: A focus group study among patient representatives and clinicians

L van der Stap, AH de Heij, A van der Heide… - … & supportive care, 2023 - cambridge.org
ObjectivesIt is widely acknowledged that co-occurring symptoms in patients with a
psychosocial and spiritual aspects should also be considered. However, this …

Spiritual experiences of transcendence in patients with advanced cancer

M Renz, MS Mao, A Omlin, D Bueche… - American Journal of …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Purpose: Spirituality encompasses a wide range of meanings between holistic wellbeing
and mysticism. We explored advanced cancer patients' spiritual experiences of …

Relational inquiry approach for developing deeper awareness of patient suffering

A Younas - Nursing ethics, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
To practice compassion, the recognition, understanding, and alleviation of patient suffering
are of utmost importance. Nursing literature provides ample guidance about the nature and …

The feasibility of a Bayesian network model to assess the probability of simultaneous symptoms in patients with advanced cancer

L van der Stap, MF van Haaften, EF van Marrewijk… - Scientific reports, 2022 - nature.com
Although patients with advanced cancer often experience multiple symptoms
simultaneously, clinicians usually focus on symptoms that are volunteered by patients during …

[PDF][PDF] The psychological and spiritual dimensions of palliative care: A descriptive systematic review

F Rego, C Pereira, G Rego, R Nunes - Neuropsychiatry, 2018 - academia.edu
Objective: To study the relationship between the psychological and spiritual dimensions in
adult palliative care. Methods: The data sources used were Medline, Web of Knowledge and …

Psychological, cognitive factors and contextual influences in pain and pain-related suffering as revealed by a combined qualitative and quantitative assessment …

S Bustan, AM Gonzalez-Roldan, C Schommer… - PLoS …, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Previous psychophysiological research suggests that pain measurement needs to go
beyond the assessment of Pain Intensity and Unpleasantness by adding the evaluation of …