A parallel programming assessment for stream processing applications on multi-core systems
Multi-core systems are any computing device nowadays and stream processing applications
are becoming recurrent workloads, demanding parallelism to achieve the desired quality of …
are becoming recurrent workloads, demanding parallelism to achieve the desired quality of …
Analyzing programming effort model accuracy of high-level parallel programs for stream processing
Over the years, several Parallel Programming Models (PPMs) have supported the
abstraction of programming complexity for parallel computer systems. However, few studies …
abstraction of programming complexity for parallel computer systems. However, few studies …
Assessing Application Efficiency and Performance Portability in Single-Source Programming for Heterogeneous Parallel Systems
A Ernstsson, D Griebler, C Kessler - International Journal of Parallel …, 2023 - Springer
We analyze the performance portability of the skeleton-based, single-source multi-backend
high-level programming framework SkePU across multiple different CPU–GPU …
high-level programming framework SkePU across multiple different CPU–GPU …
Performance and programmability of GrPPI for parallel stream processing on multi-cores
GrPPI library aims to simplify the burdening task of parallel programming. It provides a
unified, abstract, and generic layer while promising minimal overhead on performance …
unified, abstract, and generic layer while promising minimal overhead on performance …
Source-to-source code transformation on rust for high-level stream parallelism
Utilizing parallel systems to their full potential can be challenging for general-purpose
developers. A solution to this problem is to create high-level abstractions using Domain …
developers. A solution to this problem is to create high-level abstractions using Domain …
High-level Stream Processing: A Complementary Analysis of Fault Recovery
Parallel computing is very important to accelerate the performance of software systems.
Additionally, considering that a recurring challenge is to process high data volumes …
Additionally, considering that a recurring challenge is to process high data volumes …
A latency, throughput, and programmability perspective of GrPPI for streaming on multi-cores
Several solutions aim to simplify the burdening task of parallel programming. The GrPPI
library is one of them. It allows users to implement parallel code for multiple backends …
library is one of them. It allows users to implement parallel code for multiple backends …
Self-adaptive abstractions for efficient high-level parallel computing in multi-cores
AJ Vogel - 2022 - tede2.pucrs.br
Atualmente, uma parte significativa dos sistemas computacionais e aplicações do mundo
real demandam paralelismo para acelerar suas execuções. Embora a programação …
real demandam paralelismo para acelerar suas execuções. Embora a programação …
Easing the benchmarking of parallel stream processing on multi-cores
AM Garcia - 2023 - meriva.pucrs.br
No mundo de hoje impulsionado por dados e crescente expectativa por resultados
imediatos, há uma demanda crescente por processamento de dados em tempo real/baixa …
imediatos, há uma demanda crescente por processamento de dados em tempo real/baixa …
Improving parallel programming assessment: challenges, methods, and opportunities in coding productivity
GL Andrade - 2023 - meriva.pucrs.br
Developing parallel applications is a challenging task because the developers must be able
to deal with several issues, such as implementing data synchronization, dividing the …
to deal with several issues, such as implementing data synchronization, dividing the …