Tachyon dynamics in open string theory

A Sen - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2005 - World Scientific
In this review we describe our current understanding of the properties of open string
tachyons on an unstable D-brane or brane–antibrane system in string theory. The various …

Particle physics models of inflation and curvaton scenarios

A Mazumdar, J Rocher - Physics reports, 2011 - Elsevier
We review the particle theory origin of inflation and curvaton mechanisms for generating
large scale structures and the observed temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave …

Rolling tachyon

A Sen - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
We discuss construction of classical time dependent solutions in open string (field) theory,
describing the motion of the tachyon on unstable D-branes. Despite the fact that the string …

Field theory of tachyon matter

A Sen - Modern Physics Letters A, 2002 - World Scientific
We propose a field theory for describing the tachyon on a brane–antibrane system near the
minimum of the potential. This field theory realizes two known properties of the tachyon …

Dirac-Born-Infeld action on the tachyon kink and vortex

A Sen - Physical Review D, 2003 - APS
The tachyon effective field theory describing the dynamics of a non-Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-
Sommerfield (BPS) D-brane in superstring theory has an infinitely thin but finite tension kink …

Dynamics with infinitely many time derivatives and rolling tachyons

N Moeller, B Zwiebach - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
Both in string field theory and in p-adic string theory the equations of motion involve infinite
number of time derivatives. We argue that the initial value problem is qualitatively different …

Strings from tachyons: The c= 1 matrix reloaded

J McGreevy, H Verlinde - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose a new interpretation of the c= 1 matrix model as the world-line theory of N
unstable D-particles, in which the hermitian matrix is provided by the non-abelian open …

Brane-antibrane action from boundary string field theory

T Takayanagi, S Terashima… - Journal of High Energy …, 2001 - iopscience.iop.org
In this paper we give the boundary string field theory description of brane-antibrane systems.
From the world-sheet action of brane-antibrane systems we obtain the tachyon potential and …

Brane inflation: String theory viewed from the cosmos

SHH Tye - String Theory and Fundamental Interactions: Gabriele …, 2008 - Springer
Brane inflation is a specific realization of the inflationary universe scenario in the early
universe within the brane world framework in string theory. The naturalness and robustness …

Ghost structure and closed strings in vacuum string field theory

D Gaiotto, L Rastelli, A Sen, B Zwiebach - arXiv preprint hep-th/0111129, 2001 - arxiv.org
We complete the construction of vacuum string field theory by proposing a canonical choice
of ghost kinetic term--a local insertion of the ghost field at the string midpoint with an infinite …