Nanotube semiconductor devices

H Yilmaz, X Wang, A Bhalla, J Chen… - US Patent 8,299,494, 2012 - Google Patents
7439, 563 B2 10/2008 Hatakeyama et al. yk S tkkS kkk 7.521, 773 B2 4/2 ()() 9 Y| mg z et a
1, SAAAAAAAS Wak et al. 7 so o 1 2 3oi i ai 2 ()() 8/() 2997||() A 1 12/20 () 8 Tombler et gl …

Method for forming nanotube semiconductor devices

H Yilmaz, X Wang, A Bhalla, J Chen… - US Patent 7,910,486, 2011 - Google Patents
Carmen C. Cook (57) ABSTRACT A method for forming a semiconductor device includes
form ing a nanotube region using a thin epitaxial layer formed on the sidewall of a trench in …

Semiconductor device having vertical charge-compensated structure and sub-surface connecting layer and method

GH Loechelt, PJ Zdebel - US Patent 7,960,781, 2011 - Google Patents
US7960781B2 - Semiconductor device having vertical charge-compensated structure and
sub-surface connecting layer and method - Google Patents US7960781B2 - Semiconductor …

Superjunction semiconductor device structure

GH Loechelt, PJ Zdebel, GM Grivna - US Patent 7,285,823, 2007 - Google Patents
Metal-oxide semiconductor? eld effect transistors (MOS FETs) are a common type of power
switching device. A MOSFET device includes a source region, a drain region, a channel …

Nano-tube MOSFET technology and devices

H Yilmaz, D Ng, L Guan, A Bhalla, W Ma, M Ho… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
100 each of the trenches. The “Gap Filler layer can be very lightly doped Silicon or grown
and deposited dielectric layer. In an exemplary embodiment, the plurality of trenches are …

Semiconductor trench structure having a sealing plug and method

GM Grivna, GH Loechelt, JM Parsey Jr… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, a semiconductor device is formed having a trench structure. The trench
structure includes a single crys talline semiconductor plug formed along exposed upper Sur …

Trench MOSFET superjunction structure and method to manufacture

T Henson - US Patent 6,979,862, 2005 - Google Patents
US6979862B2 - Trench MOSFET superjunction structure and method to manufacture -
Google Patents US6979862B2 - Trench MOSFET superjunction structure and method to …

Trench mosfet

RJE Hueting, EA Hijzen - US Patent 7,696,599, 2010 - Google Patents
ABSTRACT A trench MOSFET with drain (8), drift region (10) body (12) and source (14). In
order to improve the figure of merit for use (30) Foreign Application Priority Data of the …

Nanotube semiconductor devices

H Yilmaz, X Wang, A Bhalla, J Chen… - US Patent 8,247,329, 2012 - Google Patents
Carmen C. Cook (57) ABSTRACT A method for forming a semiconductor device includes
form ing a nanotube region using a thin epitaxial layer formed on the sidewall of a trench in …

Terminations for semiconductor devices with floating vertical series capacitive structures

R Yang, R Blanchard, F Hebert - US Patent App. 11/487,142, 2007 - Google Patents
This invention relates to achieving high breakdown voltage and low on-resistance in
semiconductor devices that have top, intermediate and bottom regions with a controllable …