Fenomena gerakan hijrah di kalangan pemuda muslim sebagai mode sosial

A Addini - Journal of Islamic civilization, 2019 - journal2.unusa.ac.id
The massive movement of the migrants to the young generation today is a new
phenomenon in the Islamic movement in Indonesia. By carrying out the vision to invite the …

The Phenomenon and Existence of Corruption in the 5.0 Era: Moral and Ethical Perspectives

M Kelkusa, M Mahmudulhassan… - … and Publication of …, 2023 - journal.walideminstitute.com
This study aims to 1) understand the meaning of corruption from a moral and ethical
perspective, 2) find out the causes of people committing corruption, and 3) identify the …

The Urgency and Revitalization of the Development of the Economic System in Indonesia Through the Management of the Scientific Approach of Fiqh Pesantren

M Rusli, IK Mardliyah - Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2023 - journals2.ums.ac.id
Economics has become an essential science for the resilience of a country and has become
an endless discussion. The Prophet exemplified economic activity before the prophetic era …

[图书][B] Sisi Lain Gerakan Sarekat Islam Di Sulawesi Utara Periode 1920-1950

S Mokodenseho - 2020 - books.google.com
Buku Sisi Lain Gerakan Sarekat Islam di Sulawesi Utara Periode 1920-1950 penulis
fokuskan kajiannya pada daerah Bolaang Mongondow yang sejak tahun 1920-an menjadi …

[PDF][PDF] Beyond Studies Tarekat Rifa'iyah Kalisalak: Doktrin, Jalan Dakwah, dan Perlawanan Sosial

A Kaprabowo - Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Media Pemikiran …, 2019 - core.ac.uk
This article tries to exploring the substance of the Rifa'iyah tarekat movement which is the
subject of public discussion. This study was examined using a qualitative method by tracing …

Muslim Social Movements in Cirebon and the Emergence of National Resistance Movements Against the Dutch Colonial Government in the Early 20th Century …

DN Rosidin, M Amalia, I Sa'dudin, E Safitri - Journal of Asian Social …, 2022 - cassr.net
The early twentieth century saw the emergence of Muslim social movements as a new
model of resistance against the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. This model of the …

Historiografi pesantren di Indonesia

F Sudarmo - Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah, 2021 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Metode Penelitian Persoalan yang mendasar dalam penelitian historiografi pesantren
adalah persoalan metode atau cara penulisan. Persoalan metode merupakan persoalan …

Fastabiq Al-KhairᾹt: Islamic Congregation and Everyday Competition Among Puritan and Traditionalists Muslim in Aceh

S Syafieh, N Noviandy, M Amin - Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2022 - jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id
This paper explores the contestation between Puritanism and traditionalism in Muslim
communities focused oncase studies on the East Coast of Aceh by groups in urban religious …

[PDF][PDF] Ideological involution of the Islamists

F Umam - Ulul Albab, 2019 - digilib.uinkhas.ac.id
Islamism as one of transnational political Islam ideologies continues to spread throughout
the world. Many researchers read the phenomenon of strengthening Islamism solely as part …

[PDF][PDF] Interaksionisme Simbolik Ritual Meron di Indonesia dan Relevansinya dalam al Quran

A Atabik - Jurnal Fikrah, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang tradisi budaya meron di Pati Indonesia, yaitu sebuah tradisi
sebagai penghormatan kepada nabi dengan cara membawa tumpeng yang dibuat dari …