Dynamics on constitutional court decision towards Indonesia citizenship arrangement: Dinamika Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi terhadap pengaturan …

B Hermanto - Jurnal Konstitusi, 2023 - jurnalkonstitusi.mkri.id
The 1945 Constitution amendment led into Indonesia state order transition that related also
towards state fundamental aspects, including citizenship issue. Discourse has been raises …

Kajian Hukum Penyelesaian Kasus Stateless di Indonesia (Studi Kasus di Kemenkumham Yogyakarta)

AS Ramadhani, A Prasakti… - SAKOLA: Journal of …, 2024 - rayyanjurnal.com
Abstract Legal Study of Settlement of Stateless Cases in Indonesia (Case Study at the
Yogyakarta Ministry of Law and Human Rights). Thesis. Yogyakarta. Faculty of Teacher …

Implikasi Hukum Status Kewarganegaraan Asing Pada Calon Terpilih Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah

BP Suhendarto, R Saraswati - Jurnal Pembangunan Hukum …, 2022 - ejournal2.undip.ac.id
Dinamika permasalahan dalam proses pilkada terus berkembang, seperti pilkada
Kabupaten Sabu Raijua tahun 2020. Fenomena fakta hukum pelanggaran administrasi …


B Hermanto - Jurnal Yudisial, 2024 - jurnal.komisiyudisial.go.id
Dinamika pasca reformasi mendorong sejumlah perubahan dan pergeseran paradigmatik
terhadap tatanan ketatanegaraan Indonesia, terkait aspek kewarganegaraan yang …

The Legal Policy Of Citizenship In Fulfilling The Rights Of Stateless Persons As An Effort To Fulfill Human Rights In Indonesia

SAG Pinilih, AY Sulistyawan… - Diponegoro Law …, 2022 - ejournal.undip.ac.id
The issue of citizenship is one of the basic human needs, therefore citizenship status is a
right for every citizen that is protected by law. The purpose of this study is to find out how the …

Global Citizenship Concepts Perspective Abdullah Ahmed An Naim

A Rahman, A Barizi, U Sumbulah… - … Journal of Islamic …, 2024 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Global Citizenship, rooted in the understanding and upholding human values, originated in
the Western world and expanded into the Third World alongside globalization in various …

Perspektif Mahasiswa Mengenai Kewajiban dan Hak Negara dan Warga Negara

OM Sukma, AA Esra… - COMSERVA …, 2022 - comserva.publikasiindonesia.id
This research aims to know the perspective of the students on the rights and obligations, and
what are the rights and obligations of states and citizens, and to what extent the students …

Pencabutan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Anggota the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS): di antara Kedaulatan Negara dan Hak Asasi Warga Negara

DU Akmal - Sultan Jurisprudence: Jurnal Riset Ilmu Hukum, 2023 - jurnal.untirta.ac.id
The growth of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has created complex issues for
countries around the world. Radicalism awareness and propaganda's ability to spread are …

[引用][C] Analysis of the Implementation of Criminal and Administrative Offenses in the Perspective of Immigration Law Number 6 of 2011 (Case Study Djoko Soegiarto …

BYA Tarigan, F Al Wajidi, K Karina - Journal of Law and Border Protection, 2020