The effectiveness of emotional intelligence training on the adaptive behaviors of students with intellectual disability

N Adibsereshki, M Shaydaei… - International Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives: The aim of this paper is to present a study on the effectiveness of Emotional
Intelligence (EI) training on the adaptive behaviors of students with intellectual disability …

Using vocal production to improve long-term verbal memory in adults with intellectual disability

M Icht, N Ben-David, Y Mama - Behavior Modification, 2021 -
Individuals with intellectual disability (ID) typically show weak long-term memory (LTM)
skills. Understanding verbal LTM processes and searching for effective mnemonics in this …

[图书][B] Trisomie 21–Was wir von Menschen mit Down-Syndrom lernen können: 2000 Personen und ihre neuropsychologischen Befunde

AF Zimpel - 2016 -
Menschen mit Trisomie 21 erschließen sich Dinge anders als Menschen ohne diese
genetische Abweichung. Sie neigen verstärkt dazu, von Einzelheiten abzusehen. Sie sind …

[图书][B] Trisomy 21: What we can learn from people with Down syndrome

AF Zimpel - 2016 -
For a long time, it was assumed that a genetic disposition such as trisomy 21 enables
predictions to be made about overall personality development. But, who could have ever …

Improving science process skills of students with mild intellectual disabilities

TŞ Çoruhlu, M Çalık, S Er Nas, B Bilgin - Journal of Baltic Science …, 2023 -
Relevant literature has an unexplored question on how prediction-observation-explanation
(POE) worksheets affect science process skills of students with mild intellectual disabilities …

Cognitive strengths and weaknesses for informing educational practice

D Couzens, M Cuskelly - Educating learners with Down …, 2013 -
This chapter describes our current understanding of the cognitive strengths and weaknesses
that are associated with Down syndrome. The chapter begins with a discussion of some of …

Effectiveness and retention of teaching memory strategy use to children with autism spectrum disorder

JM Bebko, T Rhee, BL Ncube… - Canadian Journal of …, 2017 -
Although low levels of memory strategy use have been found in children with autism
spectrum disorders (ASDs), few studies have explored the effectiveness of interventions for …

[图书][B] The effect of a mathematical aided language stimulation programme for subtraction word-problem solving for children with intellectual disabilities

TE Naudé - 2014 -
Children with intellectual disabilities are often denied exposure to mathematical word-
problem solving since it is believed to beyond their intellectual abilities. This study aimed to …

Cognition and Cognitive Disabilities

HL Swanson - Handbook of Educational Psychology, 2015 -
The study of cognition as applied to human behavior has been characterized as an attempt
to understand the nature of human intelligence and how people think (Anderson, 1976) …