E-learning-based cloud computing environment: A systematic review, challenges, and opportunities
New technologies drive educational shifts, transforming offline to online learning. This study
investigates e-learning and cloud computing integration to understand synergies and their …
investigates e-learning and cloud computing integration to understand synergies and their …
[PDF][PDF] OPPIA: A Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning Platform to Exploit Short-Lived Student Networks for Collaborative Learning.
We present the OPPIA platform, a ubiquitous and smart learning environment, that deploys
sporadic learning networks (SLNs) among people (students, teachers and experts) who …
sporadic learning networks (SLNs) among people (students, teachers and experts) who …
A model for increasing quality of education by using a unified repository among BUA universities
A Memeti - Trakya Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Anyone who had to create learning materials from scratch knows how intensive and time
consuming this process can be. This process can be made easier by reusing existing …
consuming this process can be. This process can be made easier by reusing existing …