Singularities of frontals

G Ishikawa - Singularities in Generic Geometry, 2018 -
In this survey article we introduce the notion of frontals, which provides a class of
generalised submanifolds with singularities but with well-defined tangent spaces. We …

Caustics of pseudo-spherical surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space

K Teramoto - Forum Mathematicum, 2024 -
We study geometric properties of caustics of pseudo-spherical surfaces, that is, surfaces with
constant negative Gaussian curvature-1 in the Euclidean 3-space ℝ 3. We investigate the …

Harmonic diffeomorphisms between pseudo-riemannian surfaces

A Fotiadis, C Daskaloyannis - arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.06625, 2023 -
We study locally harmonic maps between a Riemann surface or Lorentz surface $ M $ and a
Riemann surface or Lorentz surface $ N $. All four cases are studied in a unified way …

Deformations of cuspidal edges in a 3-dimensional space form

K Saji, M Umehara, K Yamada - Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2024 -
Masaaki Umehara and Kotaro Yamada Abstract Introducti Page 1 K. SAJI, M. UMEHARA AND …

Spherical surfaces

D Brander - Experimental Mathematics, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
We study the surfaces of constant positive Gauss curvature in Euclidean 3-space via the
harmonicity of the Gauss map. Using the loop group representation, we solve the regular …

Harmonic maps between pseudo-Riemannian surfaces

A Fotiadis, C Daskaloyannis - Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2024 - Elsevier
We study locally harmonic maps between a Riemann surface or a Lorentz surface M and a
Riemann or Lorentz surface N. All four cases are written using a unified formalism. Therefore …

Wave maps and constant curvature surfaces: singularities and bifurcations

D Brander, F Tari - arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06856, 2019 -
Wave maps (or Lorentzian-harmonic maps) from a $1+ 1$-dimensional Lorentz space into
the $2 $-sphere are associated to constant negative Gaussian curvature surfaces in …

Псевдосферические оболочки в строительной индустрии

СН Кривошапко, ВН Иванов - Строительство и реконструкция, 2018 -
Архитекторы, работающие с оболочками, используют в своих проектах, в основном,
хорошо зарекомендовавшие себя геометрические формы, которые составляют …

Pseudospherical shells in building industry

SN Krivoshapko, VN Ivanov - Building and Reconstruction, 2018 -
Architects, designing shells, use in their projects, as a rule, geometrical forms well proved
themselves, that constitute 5-10% from the surfaces known to geometricians. But there is …

On the minimality condition for caustics of pseudo-spherical surfaces

Y Jikumaru, K Teramoto - Proceedings of the American Mathematical …, 2024 -
On the minimality condition for caustics of pseudo-spherical surfaces Page 1 PROCEEDINGS
OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 152, Number 7, July 2024, Pages …