First studies on self-preserving digital objects

D La Rosa, J Lluis, JA Olvera - Artificial Intelligence Research …, 2012 -
Digital preservation is typically perceived as operating at the repository level; however,
preservation in fact occurs at the object level, so mechanisms are required to enable …

Analysis of graphs for digital preservation suitability

CL Cartledge, ML Nelson - Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on …, 2010 -
We investigate the use of autonomically created small-world graphs as a framework for the
long term storage of digital objects on the Web in a potentially hostile environment. We …

When should i make preservation copies of myself?

CL Cartledge, ML Nelson - IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on …, 2014 -
We investigate how different replication policies ranging from least aggressive to most
aggressive affect the level of preservation achieved by autonomic processes used by web …

A unique arrangement: organizing collections for digital libraries, archives, and repositories

J Crow, L Francisco-Revilla, A Norris, S Shukla… - Theory and Practice of …, 2012 - Springer
Digital libraries increasingly host collections that are archival in nature, and contain digitized
and born-digital materials. In order to preserve the evidentiary value of these materials, the …

HTTP mailbox-asynchronous RESTful communication

S Alam, CL Cartledge, ML Nelson - arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.1992, 2013 -
We describe HTTP Mailbox, a mechanism to enable RESTful HTTP communication in an
asynchronous mode with a full range of HTTP methods otherwise unavailable to standard …

A fast filter tracker against serious occlusion

L Zhang, T Luo, Y Sun, L Yang - 2016 IEEE International …, 2016 -
Many tracking algorithms applied in medical image processing, such as observing the
movement of cells, have a great improvement in accuracy and robustness. However, it is …

When should I make preservation copies of myself? And after I do, how will I send messages to my copies?

C Cartledge, ML Nelson - International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2015 - Springer
We investigate how different replication policies ranging from least aggressive to most
aggressive affect the level of preservation achieved by autonomic processes used by web …

[PDF][PDF] A Framework for Digital Object Self-Preservation

CL Cartledge -
The author presents a plan to design, simulate, create, field and test an infrastructure that
supports long term preservation of digital data based on the idea that the digital data should …

[引用][C] Michael L. Nelson