Robust auction design in the auto-bidding world
In classic auction theory, reserve prices are known to be effective for improving revenue for
the auctioneer against quasi-linear utility maximizing bidders. The introduction of reserve …
the auctioneer against quasi-linear utility maximizing bidders. The introduction of reserve …
Bayesian combinatorial auctions: Expanding single buyer mechanisms to many buyers
S Alaei - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2014 - SIAM
We present a general framework for approximately reducing the mechanism design problem
for multiple agents to single agent subproblems in the context of Bayesian combinatorial …
for multiple agents to single agent subproblems in the context of Bayesian combinatorial …
Redistribution through markets
Policymakers frequently use price regulations as a response to inequality in the markets
they control. In this paper, we examine the optimal structure of such policies from the …
they control. In this paper, we examine the optimal structure of such policies from the …
Repeated auctions with budgets in ad exchanges: Approximations and design
SR Balseiro, O Besbes… - Management Science, 2015 -
Ad exchanges are emerging Internet markets where advertisers may purchase display ad
placements, in real time and based on specific viewer information, directly from publishers …
placements, in real time and based on specific viewer information, directly from publishers …
Bayesian mechanism design
JD Hartline - … and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, 2013 -
Abstract Systems wherein strategic agents compete for limited resources are ubiquitous: the
economy, computer networks, social networks, congestion networks, nature, etc. Assuming …
economy, computer networks, social networks, congestion networks, nature, etc. Assuming …
Towards efficient auctions in an auto-bidding world
Auto-bidding has become one of the main options for bidding in online advertisements, in
which advertisers only need to specify high-level objectives and leave the complex task of …
which advertisers only need to specify high-level objectives and leave the complex task of …
Tractable stochastic analysis in high dimensions via robust optimization
C Bandi, D Bertsimas - Mathematical programming, 2012 - Springer
Modern probability theory, whose foundation is based on the axioms set forth by
Kolmogorov, is currently the major tool for performance analysis in stochastic systems. While …
Kolmogorov, is currently the major tool for performance analysis in stochastic systems. While …
Multi-unit auctions with budget limits
We study multi-unit auctions for bidders that have a budget constraint, a situation very
common in practice that has received relatively little attention in the auction theory literature …
common in practice that has received relatively little attention in the auction theory literature …
The landscape of auto-bidding auctions: Value versus utility maximization
Internet advertisers are increasingly adopting automated bidders to buy advertising
opportunities. Automated bidders simplify the procurement process by allowing advertisers …
opportunities. Automated bidders simplify the procurement process by allowing advertisers …
[PDF][PDF] Deep learning for revenue-optimal auctions with budgets
Z Feng, H Narasimhan… - Proceedings of the 17th …, 2018 -
The design of revenue-maximizing auctions for settings with private budgets is a hard task.
Even the single-item case is not fully understood, and there are no analytical results for …
Even the single-item case is not fully understood, and there are no analytical results for …