Un flot de conception pour applications de traitement du signal systématique implémentées sur FPGA à base d'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles
S Le Beux - 2007 - theses.hal.science
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un flot de conception pour le développement
d'applications de traitement du signal systématique implémentées sur FPGA. Nous utilisons …
d'applications de traitement du signal systématique implémentées sur FPGA. Nous utilisons …
Hardware/software codesign for embedded implementation of neural networks
C Torres-Huitzil, B Girau, A Gauffriau - International Workshop on Applied …, 2007 - Springer
The performance of configurable digital circuits such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGA) increases at a very fast rate. Their fine-grain parallelism shows great similarities with …
(FPGA) increases at a very fast rate. Their fine-grain parallelism shows great similarities with …
Profiling soft-core processor applications for hardware/software partitioning
M Finc, A Zemva - Journal of Systems Architecture, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present an efficient approach to HW/SW partitioning of applications
targeted for embedded soft-core SoPC and programmable logic. The methodology is based …
targeted for embedded soft-core SoPC and programmable logic. The methodology is based …
A systematic approach to profiling for hardware/software partitioning
M Finc, A Zemva - Computers & electrical engineering, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present an efficient approach to profiling for HW/SW partitioning. The
execution of arbitrary SW code regions is analyzed with a clock-cycle accuracy without …
execution of arbitrary SW code regions is analyzed with a clock-cycle accuracy without …
A design flow to map parallel applications onto FPGAs
This paper introduces a new flow able to fit a parallel application onto an FPGA according to
the FPGA characteristics such as computing power and IOs. The flow is based on iterative …
the FPGA characteristics such as computing power and IOs. The flow is based on iterative …
[PDF][PDF] Adéquation Algorithme Architecture: Modélisations, Implémentations, Optimisations pour Applications Temps Réel Embarquées
T Grandpierre - 2024 - hal.science
Il ya 22 ans j'ai rejoint l'ESIEE en tant qu'enseignant-chercheur après un DEUG1 SSM
(Science et Structure de la Matière), une licence et maîtrise2 EEA3, un DEA4 en systèmes …
(Science et Structure de la Matière), une licence et maîtrise2 EEA3, un DEA4 en systèmes …
A methodology for supporting system-level design space exploration at higher levels of abstraction
J Dedic, M Finc, A Trost - Journal of Circuits, Systems, and …, 2008 - World Scientific
The complexity of modern embedded systems requires a revised and systematic approach
to efficient and concurrent management of hardware (HW) and software (SW) parts in a …
to efficient and concurrent management of hardware (HW) and software (SW) parts in a …
[PDF][PDF] Multiple Abstraction Views of FPGA to Map Parallel Applications.
Manipulating configurable resources like FPGAs in a codesign framework has become
essential: especially, FP-GAs may efficiently implement parallel systematic signal …
essential: especially, FP-GAs may efficiently implement parallel systematic signal …
[PDF][PDF] devant l'Universit e de Rennes
U Fritzke Jr -
Assurer le fonctionnement correct, la disponibilit e et les performances des syst emes malgr
e les al eas de la nature demeurent des sujets de recherche capitaux dans beaucoup de …
e les al eas de la nature demeurent des sujets de recherche capitaux dans beaucoup de …