Context based learning: a survey of contextual indicators for personalized and adaptive learning recommendations–a pedagogical and technical perspective
H Abu-Rasheed, C Weber, M Fathi - Frontiers in Education, 2023 -
Learning personalization has proven its effectiveness in enhancing learner performance.
Therefore, modern digital learning platforms have been increasingly depending on …
Therefore, modern digital learning platforms have been increasingly depending on …
A new informatics curriculum for secondary education in the Netherlands
Abstract In The Netherlands, the current informatics curriculum for upper secondary
education was introduced in 1998 and only slightly modified in 2007. Meanwhile, both the …
education was introduced in 1998 and only slightly modified in 2007. Meanwhile, both the …
Omnipresent yet elusive: Teachers' views on contexts for teaching algorithms in secondary education
J Nijenhuis-Voogt, D Bayram-Jacobs… - Computer Science …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Background and Context Although context-based teaching and learning has
been investigated extensively in science education, little is known regarding the use of …
been investigated extensively in science education, little is known regarding the use of …
Biographische Lern-und Bildungsprozesse im Handlungskontext der Computernutzung
M Knobelsdorf - 2011 -
In der Informatikdidaktik wird ein sozial-konstruktivistisches Verständnis von Lehr-Lern-
Prozessen generell geteilt. Eine im Kontext des Sozialkonstruktivismus erfolgreiche …
Prozessen generell geteilt. Eine im Kontext des Sozialkonstruktivismus erfolgreiche …
IniK—Informatik im Kontext: Entwicklungen, Merkmale und Perspektiven
I Diethelm, J Koubek, H Witten - Log in, 2011 - Springer
Trotz weit zurückreichender Wurzeln und konsensfähiger Säulen ist Informatik im Kontext
konzeptuell noch in der Selbstfindung. Was ist ein Kontext? Welche Kriterien soll ein …
konzeptuell noch in der Selbstfindung. Was ist ein Kontext? Welche Kriterien soll ein …
Context-based teaching and learning of fundamental computer science concepts: exploring teachers' ideas
J Nijenhuis-Voogt, PC Meijer… - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2018 -
In context-based education, authentic situations ('contexts') are used as starting points for
learning content matter ('concepts'). In this way, contexts provide significance and meaning …
learning content matter ('concepts'). In this way, contexts provide significance and meaning …
Fen bilimleri dersi ışık konusuna yönelik geliştirilen bağlam temelli materyalin akademik başarı üzerine etkisi
G Tulum - 2019 -
Bu çalışmada, 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin fen bilimleri dersi temel ünitelerden biri olanIşık ve
Sesünitesinde yer alanışıkkonusu ile ilgi bağlam temelli yaklaşımı esas alan bir materyal …
Sesünitesinde yer alanışıkkonusu ile ilgi bağlam temelli yaklaşımı esas alan bir materyal …
Email for you (only?) design and implementation of a context-based learning process on internetworking and cryptography
A Gramm, M Hornung, H Witten - Proceedings of the 7th Workshop in …, 2012 -
The didactical approach of teaching computer science in context aims at enabling learners
to understand concepts of computer science better through the help of concrete illustration …
to understand concepts of computer science better through the help of concrete illustration …
The context-based approach IniK in light of situated and constructive learning theories
M Knobelsdorf, J Tenenberg - International Conference on Informatics in …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract “Informatik im Kontext (IniK)” is a recent pedagogical approach introduced for lower
secondary (grades 5-10) computing education in Germany. The approach is derived from …
secondary (grades 5-10) computing education in Germany. The approach is derived from …
Zur diskussion von Kontexten und Phänomenen in der Informatikdidaktik
I Diethelm, C Dörge - 2011 -
Viele Informatiklehrer sind fachlich leider weniger als ihre Naturwissenschaftskollegen in
der Lage, geeignete Kontexte für den Unterricht aufzubereiten. Dies liegt oft am Mangel von …
der Lage, geeignete Kontexte für den Unterricht aufzubereiten. Dies liegt oft am Mangel von …