Embedding-assisted entity resolution for knowledge graphs

D Obraczka, J Schuchart, E Rahm - Second International Workshop …, 2021 - openreview.net
Entity Resolution (ER) is a main task for integrating different knowledge graphs in order to
identify entities referring to the same real-world object. A promising approach is the use of …

Prediction of adverse biological effects of chemicals using knowledge graph embeddings

EB Myklebust, E Jiménez-Ruiz, J Chen, R Wolf… - Semantic …, 2022 - content.iospress.com
We have created a knowledge graph based on major data sources used in ecotoxicological
risk assessment. We have applied this knowledge graph to an important task in risk …

[HTML][HTML] Применение графовых моделей в проектном управлении

АЗ Асанов, ИЮ Мышкина… - Онтология …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Исследуется возможность применения графовых моделей в проектном управлении для
решения задачи формирования проектной группы и распределения работ проекта …

FTRLIM: Distributed instance matching framework for large-scale knowledge graph fusion

H Zhu, X Wang, Y Jiang, H Fan, B Du, Q Liu - Entropy, 2021 - mdpi.com
Instance matching is a key task in knowledge graph fusion, and it is critical to improving the
efficiency of instance matching, given the increasing scale of knowledge graphs. Blocking …

Cluster Robust Inference for Embedding-Based Knowledge Graph Completion

S Schramm, U Niklas, U Schmid - International Conference on Knowledge …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are able to structure and represent knowledge in
complex systems, whereby their completeness impacts the quality of any further application …

Application of graph models in project management

AZ Asanov, IY Myshkina… - Онтология …, 2023 - journals.ssau.ru
The possibility of using graph models in project management to solve the problem of forming
a project team and distributing project work among potential performers is investigated. The …

[PDF][PDF] Embedding-Assisted Entity Resolution for Knowledge Graphs

E Rahm - 2021 - dbs.uni-leipzig.de
Entity Resolution (ER) is a main task for integrating different knowledge graphs in order to
identify entities referring to the same real-world object. A promising approach is the use of …