Host‐pathogen kinetics during influenza infection and coinfection: insights from predictive modeling

AM Smith - Immunological reviews, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Influenza virus infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This is
due in part to the continual emergence of new viral variants and to synergistic interactions …


袁彦婷, 陈建威, 陆祖宏 - 解放军医学院学报, 2014 -
目的探索甲型流感的暴发规律及毒株血凝素(hemagglutinin, HA) 基因的进化.
方法通过分析中国采集并公布的甲型流感病毒基因数据, 对中国大陆所有宿主为人 …

Influenza a infections in the host: modeling and control approaches

G Hernandez Mejia - 2023 -
Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza A and influenza B viruses.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that annual influenza epidemics result in …

Translational Equation-Based Modeling

G Clermont - … Systems and Computational Biology Approaches to …, 2013 - Springer
Equation-based models have been the main mathematical framework used for the
development of computational simulations in the physical sciences and more recently, in the …