Advocacy organizations in the US political process

KT Andrews, B Edwards - Annu. Rev. Sociol., 2004 -
We examine scholarship on the role and influence of advocacy organizations in the US
political process. We identify common theoretical questions in the disconnected literatures …

Environmental movements in advanced industrial democracies: Heterogeneity, transformation, and institutionalization

M Giugni, MT Grasso - Annual Review of Environment and …, 2015 -
Environmental movements are networks of informal interactions that may include
individuals, groups, and organizations engaged in collective action motivated by shared …

The politicization of climate change and polarization in the American public's views of global warming, 2001–2010

AM McCright, RE Dunlap - The Sociological Quarterly, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
We examine political polarization over climate change within the American public by
analyzing data from 10 nationally representative Gallup Polls between 2001 and 2010. We …

Stakeholder influence strategies

J Frooman - Academy of management review, 1999 -
When seeking to influence firm decision making, what types of influence strategies do
stakeholders have available, and what determines which type the stakeholders choose to …

[图书][B] After disaster: Agenda setting, public policy, and focusing events

TA Birkland - 1997 -
Disasters like earthquakes are known as focusing events--sudden calamities that cause
both citizens and policymakers to pay more attention to a public problem and often to press …

[图书][B] Comunicazione e potere

M Castells - 2014 -
I media sono lo spazio dove oggi si decide la lotta politica fra attori, idee e interessi
contrapposti. Se le élite politiche cercano di imporre i propri modelli interpretativi sugli eventi …

Individualization: Plant a tree, buy a bike, save the world?

MF Maniates - Global environmental politics, 2001 -
An increasingly dominant, largely American response to the contemporary environmental
crisis understands environmental degradation as the product of individual shortcomings and …

Defeating Kyoto: The conservative movement's impact on US climate change policy

AM McCright, RE Dunlap - Social problems, 2003 -
In this article, we argue that a major reason the United States failed to ratify the Kyoto
Protocol to ameliorate global warming is the opposition of the American conservative …

Leadership in the North American environmental sector: Values, leadership styles, and contexts of environmental leaders and their organizations

CP Egri, S Herman - Academy of Management journal, 2000 -
Interview and questionnaire data obtained from 73 leaders of nonprofit environmentalist and
for-profit environmental product and service organizations showed that these leaders' …

Tilting at windmills? The environmental movement and the emergence of the US wind energy sector

WD Sine, BH Lee - Administrative Science Quarterly, 2009 -
Through a study of the emergent US wind energy sector, 1978–1992, this paper examines
how large-scale social movements external to an industry can influence the creation of new …