The structure of infinite periodic and chaotic hub cascades in phase diagrams of simple autonomous flows

JAC Gallas - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2010 - World Scientific
This manuscript reports numerical investigations about the relative abundance and structure
of chaotic phases in autonomous dissipative flows, ie in continuous-time dynamical systems …

[图书][B] Emergence of dynamical order: synchronization phenomena in complex systems

SC Manrubia, AS Mikhailov - 2004 -
Large populations of interacting active elements, periodic or chaotic, can undergo
spontaneous transitions to dynamically ordered states. These collective states are …

[图书][B] Robust chaos and its applications

E Zeraoulia - 2012 -
Robust chaos is defined by the absence of periodic windows and coexisting attractors in
some neighborhoods in the parameter space of a dynamical system. This unique book …

Mean-field coupled systems and self-consistent transfer operators: a review

M Tanzi - Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, 2023 - Springer
In this review we survey the literature on mean-field coupled maps. We start with the early
works from the physics literature, arriving to some recent results from ergodic theory studying …

Pareto and Boltzmann–Gibbs behaviors in a deterministic multi-agent system

J Gonzalez-Estevez, MG Cosenza… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2008 - Elsevier
A deterministic system of interacting agents is considered as a model for economic
dynamics. The dynamics of the system is described by a coupled map lattice with nearest …

Dynamics of coupling functions in globally coupled maps: Size, periodicity, and stability of clusters

MG Cosenza, A Parravano - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
It is shown how different globally coupled map systems can be analyzed under a common
framework by focusing on the dynamics of their respective global coupling functions. We …

Chimeras and Clusters Emerging from Robust‐Chaos Dynamics

MG Cosenza, O Alvarez-Llamoza, AV Cano - Complexity, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
We show that dynamical clustering, where a system segregates into distinguishable subsets
of synchronized elements, and chimera states, where differentiated subsets of synchronized …

Information transfer and nontrivial collective behavior in chaotic coupled map networks

L Cisneros, J Jiménez, MG Cosenza, A Parravano - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
The emergence of nontrivial collective behavior in networks of coupled chaotic maps is
investigated by means of a nonlinear mutual prediction method. The resulting prediction …

Critical behavior of the Lyapunov exponent in type-III intermittency

O Alvarez-Llamoza, MG Cosenza, GA Ponce - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2008 - Elsevier
The critical behavior of the Lyapunov exponent near the transition to robust chaos via type-III
intermittency is determined for a family of one-dimensional singular maps. Critical …

L'intelligence en essaim sous l'angle des systèmes complexes: étude d'un système multi-agent réactif à base d'itérations logistiques couplées

R Charrier - 2009 -
L'intelligence en essaim constitue désormais un domaine à part entière de l'intelligence
artificielle distribuée. Les problématiques qu'elle soulève touchent cependant à de …