A memory efficient encoding for ray tracing large unstructured data
In theory, efficient and high-quality rendering of unstructured data should greatly benefit from
modern GPUs, but in practice, GPUs are often limited by the large amount of memory that …
modern GPUs, but in practice, GPUs are often limited by the large amount of memory that …
State‐of‐the‐art in Large‐Scale Volume Visualization Beyond Structured Data
Volume data these days is usually massive in terms of its topology, multiple fields, or
temporal component. With the gap between compute and memory performance widening …
temporal component. With the gap between compute and memory performance widening …
Lifting MGARD: Construction of (pre) wavelets on the interval using polynomial predictors of arbitrary order
V Reshniak, E Ferguson, Q Gong, N Vidal… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 - arxiv.org
MGARD (MultiGrid Adaptive Reduction of Data) is an algorithm for compressing and
refactoring scientific data, based on the theory of multigrid methods. The core algorithm is …
refactoring scientific data, based on the theory of multigrid methods. The core algorithm is …
Real-Time Visualization of Large-Scale Geological Models With Nonlinear Feature-Preserving Levels of Detail
The rapidly growing size and complexity of 3D geological models has increased the need
for level-of-detail techniques and compact encodings to facilitate interactive visualization …
for level-of-detail techniques and compact encodings to facilitate interactive visualization …
Compression challenges in large scale partial differential equation solvers
S Götschel, M Weiser - Algorithms, 2019 - mdpi.com
Solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs) are one of the cornerstones of computational
science. For large problems, they involve huge amounts of data that need to be stored and …
science. For large problems, they involve huge amounts of data that need to be stored and …
Décomposition multi-échelles de maillages 3D hexaédriques dans le domaine des géosciences. Étude des performances en compression sans pertes.
Des méthodes de simulation employant des maillages sont mises en oeuvre dans de
nombreux champs scientifiques pour caractériser des phénomènes physiques sous-jacents …
nombreux champs scientifiques pour caractériser des phénomènes physiques sous-jacents …
Visualization of Large Scale Reservoir Models
L Ceballos, B Conche, G Dupuy, D Patel - Interactive Data Processing and …, 2022 - Springer
In this chapter we introduce a method for rendering large reservoir grids that do not fit into
GPU memory. We use a multiresolution method where the reservoir is represented in …
GPU memory. We use a multiresolution method where the reservoir is represented in …
Refinable resolution & precision for volume mesh compression & simulation in geosciences
L Bouard - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Research has entered a data-intensive era. The growing quantity of scientific information
challenges several application domains. That happens notably for the simulation science …
challenges several application domains. That happens notably for the simulation science …
Étude comparative de l'impact d'un codage à précision variable sur des données de simulation en géosciences
Le volume des données scientifiques produites par simulation numérique est en
augmentation croissante. Cette volumétrie incite depuis peu la communauté à employer des …
augmentation croissante. Cette volumétrie incite depuis peu la communauté à employer des …
Lossless progressive compression of meshes for upscaling and upgridding in reservoir simulation with HexaShrink
Manipulation of large data volumes is becoming a concern in the field of simulation. In
reservoir simulation, grids are complex structures composed of heterogeneous objects, with …
reservoir simulation, grids are complex structures composed of heterogeneous objects, with …