Biofeedback systems for gait rehabilitation of individuals with lower-limb amputation: a systematic review

R Escamilla-Nunez, A Michelini, J Andrysek - Sensors, 2020 -
Individuals with lower-limb amputation often have gait deficits and diminished mobility
function. Biofeedback systems have the potential to improve gait rehabilitation outcomes …

The use of biofeedback for gait retraining: A mapping review

LMA van Gelder, A Barnes, JS Wheat, BW Heller - Clinical Biomechanics, 2018 - Elsevier
Background Biofeedback seems to be a promising tool to improve gait outcomes for both
healthy individuals and patient groups. However, due to differences in study designs and …

Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Evidence of sensory rather than attentional mechanisms through muscle vibration

MP Pereira, LTB Gobbi, QJ Almeida - Parkinsonism & related disorders, 2016 - Elsevier
Introduction The role of proprioceptive integration impairments as the potential mechanism
underlying Freezing of gait (FOG) in Parkinson's disease (PD) is still an open debate. The …

Exercise and physical therapy in early management of Parkinson disease

F Alonso-Frech, JJ Sanahuja, AM Rodriguez - The neurologist, 2011 -
Experimental research has produced evidence in recent years underlying the beneficial
effects that exercise can have in preventing and deceleration of the development of …

Effect of stochastic resonance on proprioception and kinesthesia in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed patients

P Zandiyeh, JC Küpper, NGH Mohtadi… - Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Low amplitude mechanical noise vibration has been shown to improve somatosensory
acuity in various clinical groups with comparable deficiencies through a phenomenon …

Does proprioceptive system stimulation improve sit-to-walk performance in healthy young adults?

MP Pereira, PHS Pelicioni, J Lahr… - Journal of Physical …, 2015 -
[Purpose] Sit-to-walk performance is linked to proper proprioceptive information processing.
Therefore, it is believed that an increase of proprioceptive inflow (using muscle vibration) …

The effects of muscle vibration on gait control: a review

CS Layne, CA Malaya, JT Levine - Somatosensory & motor …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Background: The purpose of the review is to summarize the literature surrounding the use of
muscle vibration as it relates to modifying human gait. Methods: After a brief introduction …

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rhythmic Vibrotactile and Auditory Stimulation for a Biofeedback Gait Training System for Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation

A Michelini - 2021 -
Individuals with lower limb amputation (LLA) often exhibit asymmetrical gait patterns, which
can be a result of insufficient gait training. This often leads to secondary musculoskeletal …


권다은, 김요섭, 김상준, 송명후, 안민규 - 정보과학회논문지, 2019 -
파킨슨병은 진전, 운동성, 강직 및 자세 불안정과 같은 이상운동증을 유발하는 신경 퇴행성
질환으로 전 세계적으로 환자 수가 증가하고 있다. 병의 초기에 진단 및 치료를 통해 질병의 …


СА Лихачев, ВА Лукашевич - Актуальные вопросы клинической …, 2011 -
Одним из актуальных вопросов практической неврологии, аккумулирующих в себе
аспекты изучения локомоции, является психонейробиомеханическая оценка …