Laboratory experimentation in economics: A methodological overview

AE Roth - The Economic Journal, 1988 -
Informal experimentation in economics goes back at least as far as Bernoulli (1738)(in
connection with the Petersburg game), and formal reports of laboratory experiments as such …

Liability for accidents

S Shavell - Handbook of law and economics, 2007 - Elsevier
This is a survey of legal liability for accidents. Three general aspects of accident liability are
addressed. The first is the effect of liability on incentives, both whether to engage in activities …

Green nudges: Do they work? Are they ethical?

C Schubert - Ecological economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Environmental policies are increasingly informed by behavioral economics insights.'Green
nudges' in particular have been suggested as a promising new tool to encourage …

[图书][B] Law and economics

R Cooter, T Ulen - 2011 -
Law and Economics (2-downloads) Page 1 SIXTH EDITION Law& Economics ROBERT
COOTER University of California, Berkeley THOMAS ULEN University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign …

[图书][B] Behavioral game theory: Experiments in strategic interaction

CF Camerer - 2011 -
Game theory, the formalized study of strategy, began in the 1940s by asking how
emotionless geniuses should play games, but ignored until recently how average people …

[图书][B] Incorporating fairness into game theory and economics

M Rabin - 1992 -
MosT CURRENT economic models assume that people pursue only their own material self-
interest and do not care about" social" goals. One exception to self-interest which has …

Trust, reciprocity, and social history

J Berg, J Dickhaut, K McCabe - Games and economic behavior, 1995 - Elsevier
We designed an experiment to study trust and reciprocity in an investment setting. This
design controls for alternative explanations of behavior including repeat game reputation …

[引用][C] Order without law: How neighbors settle disputes

RC Ellickson - 1991 -
In Order without Law, Robert Ellickson shows that law is far less important than is generally
thought. He demonstrates that people largely govern themselves by means of informal rules …

Fairness as a constraint on profit seeking: Entitlements in the market

D Kahneman, JL Knetsch, R Thaler - American economic review, 1986 -
JusT AS it is often useful to neglect friction in elementary mechanics, there may be good
reasons to assume that firms seek their maximal profit as if they were subject only to legal …

Fairness and the assumptions of economics

D Kahneman, JL Knetsch, RH Thaler - Journal of business, 1986 - JSTOR
The traditional assumption that fairness is irrelevant to economic analysis is questioned.
Even profit-maximizing firms will have an incentive to act in a manner that is perceived as …