Approximate fair bandwidth allocation: A method for simple and flexible traffic management

R Pan, B Prabhakar, F Bonomi… - 2008 46th Annual …, 2008 -
The Internet architecture uses congestion avoidance mechanisms implemented in the
transport layer protocol like TCP to provide good service under heavy load. If network nodes …

Parametrised complexity of satisfiability in temporal logic

M Lück, A Meier, I Schindler - ACM Transactions on Computational Logic …, 2017 -
We apply the concept of formula treewidth and pathwidth to computation tree logic, linear
temporal logic, and the full branching time logic. Several representations of formulas as …

Parameterized Complexity of CTL: A Generalization of Courcelle's Theorem

M Lück, A Meier, I Schindler - … and Automata Theory and Applications: 9th …, 2015 - Springer
We present an almost complete classification of the parameterized complexity of all operator
fragments of the satisfiability problem in computation tree logic CTL. The investigated …

LTL fragments are hard for standard parameterisations

M Lück, A Meier - 2015 22nd International Symposium on …, 2015 -
We classify the complexity of the LTL satisfiability and model checking problems for several
standard parameterisations. The investigated parameters are temporal depth, number of …

Bisimulations for Kripke models of Fuzzy Multimodal Logistics

M Stanković - Универзитет у Нишу, 2022 -
The main objective of the dissertation is to provide a detailed study of several different types
of simulations and bisimulations for Kripke models of fuzzy multimodal logics. Two types of …

[PDF][PDF] Parameterized Complexity of Temporal Logics

M Lück - 2015 -
This thesis aims at classifying the temporal logics CTL, LTL and CTL∗ in terms of
parameterized complexity of their satisfiability and model checking problems. The studied …

Bisimulations for Kripke Models of Fuzzy Multimodal Logics

С Марко - 2022 -
The main objective of the dissertation is to provide a detailed study of several different types
of simulations and bisimulations for Kripke models of fuzzy multimodal logics. Two types of …

Parameterized complexity of decision problems in non-classical logics

I Schindler - 2018 -
Parameterized complexity is a branch of a computational complexity. The pioneers of this
new and promising research field are Downey and Fellows. They suggest to examine the …

Parameterized Complexity of CTL: A Generalization of Courcelle's Theorem

M Lück, A Meier, I Schindler - arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.4044, 2014 -
We present an almost complete classification of the parameterized complexity of all operator
fragments of the satisfiability problem in computation tree logic CTL. The investigated …

Modal logics with hard diamond-free fragments

A Achilleos - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2020 -
We investigate the complexity of modal satisfiability for a family of multi-modal logics with
interdependencies among the modalities. In particular, we examine four characteristic multi …