Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 295

J Kacprzyk - 2013 - Springer
The present manuscript is intended to be a textbook that could serve both undergraduate
and graduate students when studying Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications. It is also intended …

[图书][B] Fuzzy logic in geology

RV Demicco, GJ Klir - 2003 -
What is fuzzy logic?--a system of concepts and methods for exploring modes of reasoning
that are approximate rather than exact. While the engineering community has appreciated …

An improved multimodal medical image fusion algorithm based on fuzzy transform

M Manchanda, R Sharma - Journal of Visual Communication and Image …, 2018 - Elsevier
Multimodal medical image fusion has become a powerful tool in clinical applications. The
main aim is to fuse different multimodal medical images, obtained from different imaging …

Fuzzy transform in the analysis of data

I Perfilieva, V Novák, A Dvořák - International Journal of Approximate …, 2008 - Elsevier
Fuzzy transform is a novel, mathematically well founded soft computing method with many
applications. In this paper, we present this technique with applications to data analysis. First …

Are fuzzy sets a reasonable tool for modeling vague phenomena?

V Novák - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2005 - Elsevier
In the paper, the indeterminacy phenomenon is discussed, that is, a phenomenon having
two facets: uncertainty and vagueness. We argue that fuzzy sets are a reasonable …

Fuzzy transform based compression of electric signal waveforms for smart grids

V Loia, S Tomasiello, A Vaccaro - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
In this paper, a fuzzy-based paradigm for data compression aimed at reducing the
computational burden of data analysis in smart grids (SGs) is proposed. In the SG context, it …

On the semantics of perception‐based fuzzy logic deduction

V Novák, I Perfilieva - International journal of intelligent systems, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we return to the problem of the derivation of a conclusion on the basis of fuzzy
IF–THEN rules. The so‐called Mamdani method is well elaborated and widely applied. In …

Numerical solution of partial differential equations with help of fuzzy transform

M Stepnicka, R Valasek - … on Fuzzy Systems, 2005. FUZZ'05., 2005 -
The paper is devoted to a fuzzy approach to numerical solutions of partial differential
equations. Three main types of partial differential equations have been considered to …

Approximation properties of fuzzy transforms

B Bede, IJ Rudas - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2011 - Elsevier
We enlarge the class of fuzzy transforms (F-transforms) by considering different types of
fuzzy partitions. New types of F-transforms are constructed based on B-splines, Shepard …

An alternative use of fuzzy transform with application to a class of delay differential equations

S Tomasiello - International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Fuzzy transforms (or F-transforms for short) are an approximation technique recently
introduced. The main application is referred to image and data compression. There are …