Climate change, coral loss, and the curious case of the parrotfish paradigm: why don't marine protected areas improve reef resilience?

JF Bruno, IM Côté, LT Toth - Annual review of marine science, 2019 -
Scientists have advocated for local interventions, such as creating marine protected areas
and implementing fishery restrictions, as ways to mitigate local stressors to limit the effects of …

[HTML][HTML] Impacts of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs: new perspectives and implications for coastal management and reef survival

C D'Angelo, J Wiedenmann - Current Opinion in Environmental …, 2014 - Elsevier
Highlights•Nutrient enrichment negatively affects coral physiology and ecosystem
functioning.•Integrative model of reef survival in dependence of direct and indirect nutrient …

[HTML][HTML] Spatial epidemiology of the stony-coral-tissue-loss disease in Florida

EM Muller, C Sartor, NI Alcaraz… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2020 -
The stony-coral-tissue-loss disease (SCTLD) has recently caused widespread loss of coral
along the Florida reef tract. Yet little is known about where, when, and why this coral disease …

[HTML][HTML] Land use impacts on coral reef health: A ridge-to-reef perspective

RR Carlson, SA Foo, GP Asner - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019 -
Over 60% of the world's reefs experience damage from local activities such as overfishing,
coastal development, and watershed pollution. Land-based sources of pollution are a critical …

Coral reef management and conservation in light of rapidly evolving ecological paradigms

PJ Mumby, RS Steneck - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2008 -
The decline of many coral reef ecosystems in recent decades surprised experienced
managers and researchers. It shattered old paradigms that these diverse ecosystems are …

Temporal changes in benthic assemblages on Florida Keys reefs 11 years after the 1997/1998 El Niño

RR Ruzicka, MA Colella, JW Porter… - Marine Ecology …, 2013 -
Disturbances that result in the mass mortality of reef-building corals are changing the
appearance of reefs worldwide. Many reefs are transitioning away from scleractinian-coral …

Role of host genetics and heat‐tolerant algal symbionts in sustaining populations of the endangered coral Orbicella faveolata in the Florida Keys with ocean warming

DP Manzello, MV Matz, IC Enochs… - Global Change …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Identifying which factors lead to coral bleaching resistance is a priority given the global
decline of coral reefs with ocean warming. During the second year of back‐to‐back …

Sugar enrichment provides evidence for a role of nitrogen fixation in coral bleaching

C Pogoreutz, N Rädecker, A Cardenas… - Global Change …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The disruption of the coral–algae symbiosis (coral bleaching) due to rising sea surface
temperatures has become an unprecedented global threat to coral reefs. Despite decades of …

[HTML][HTML] Severe 2010 cold-water event caused unprecedented mortality to corals of the Florida reef tract and reversed previous survivorship patterns

D Lirman, S Schopmeyer, D Manzello, LJ Gramer… - PLoS one, 2011 -
Background Coral reefs are facing increasing pressure from natural and anthropogenic
stressors that have already caused significant worldwide declines. In January 2010, coral …

Climate change impacts on coral reefs: synergies with local effects, possibilities for acclimation, and management implications

M Ateweberhan, DA Feary, S Keshavmurthy… - Marine pollution …, 2013 - Elsevier
Most reviews concerning the impact of climate change on coral reefs discuss independent
effects of warming or ocean acidification. However, the interactions between these, and …