Ss antman je marsden l. sirovich

JKHPHJ Keener, JKBJMA Mielke, CSPKR Sreenivasan - 2005 - Springer
The main purpose of this chapter is to give a derivation, which is mathematically precise,
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …

[图书][B] An introduction to mathematics of emerging biomedical imaging

H Ammari - 2008 - Springer
This book has grown out of lecture notes for a course on mathematical methods in
biomedical imaging at Ecole Polytechnique. Biomedical imaging is a fascinating research …

[图书][B] Layer potential techniques in spectral analysis

H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee - 2009 -
Since the early part of the twentieth century, the use of integral equations has developed into
a range of tools for the study of partial differential equations. This includes the use of single …

Gradient estimates for solutions of the Lamé system with partially infinite coefficients

JG Bao, HG Li, YY Li - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2015 - Springer
Gradient Estimates for Solutions of the Lamé System with Partially Infinite Coefficients Page 1
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s00205-014-0779-0 Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 215 …

[HTML][HTML] Gradient estimates for solutions of the Lamé system with partially infinite coefficients in dimensions greater than two

JG Bao, HG Li, YY Li - Advances in Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
Gradient estimates for solutions of the Lamé system with partially infinite coefficients in
dimensions greater than two - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo …

Reconstruction of Coefficients in Scalar Second‐Order Elliptic Equations from Knowledge of Their Solutions

G Bal, G Uhlmann - Communications on Pure and Applied …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This paper concerns the reconstruction of possibly complex‐valued coefficients in a second‐
order scalar elliptic equation that is posed on a bounded domain from knowledge of several …

[PDF][PDF] Layer potential approaches to interface problems

H Kang - Inverse problems and imaging, Panoramas et …, 2015 -
This paper reviews recent progress on imaging by generalized polarization tensors (GPTs),
enhancement of near-cloaking by GPT-vanishing structures, cloaking by anomalous …

[HTML][HTML] Characterization of electric fields between two spherical perfect conductors with general radii in 3D

H Li, F Wang, L Xu - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
In composite materials, the inclusions are frequently spaced very closely. The electric field
concentrated in the narrow regions between two adjacent perfectly conducting inclusions …

Time-reversal algorithms in viscoelastic media

H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier… - European Journal of …, 2013 -
In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing sources in a homogeneous
viscoelastic medium from wavefield measurements. We first present a modified time-reversal …

β irradiation in borosilicate glasses: the role of the mixed alkali effect

N Ollier, B Boizot, B Reynard, D Ghaleb… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2004 - Elsevier
Two series of mixed alkali borosilicate glasses have been studied (Na/K and Na/Li) in order
to examine the mixed alkali effect influence on the structure evolution of β-irradiated glasses …