Bullying victimization and poor relationships with parents as risk factors of problematic internet use in adolescence

M Boniel-Nissim, H Sasson - Computers in human Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
During adolescence, adolescents move away from their parents in order to establish their
place in society. Therefore, there are two arenas that have a significant impact on …

Parent–adolescent communication and problematic internet use: The mediating role of fear of missing out (FoMO)

D Alt, M Boniel-Nissim - Journal of Family Issues, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
With the growing attention paid to the role of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) as a mediator,
linking deficits in psychological needs to Problematic Internet Use (PIU), this study explored …

[HTML][HTML] The role of parents and peers in cyberbullying perpetration: comparison among Arab and Jewish and youth in Israel

H Sasson, A Tur-Sinai, K Dvir, Y Harel-Fisch - Child indicators research, 2023 - Springer
In recent years, several studies have examined the effect of parents and friends on
cyberbullying victims. Less is known about their combined effect on cyber perpetrators …

What do parents really know about their child's online behavior?

Y Peled, M Kalman-Halevi, R Tutian - SITE Interactive Conference, 2020 - learntechlib.org
This study examined whether and what are the gaps between parents' perceptions of their
children's online behavior and the children's perceptions of parental control. It was found …

שימוש באינטרנט בקרב צעירים

מירן בוניאל-נסים - Mifgash: Journal of Social-Educational Work/מפגש …, 2018‎ - JSTOR
בני נוער עושים שימוש רב ברשת האינטרנט, בעיקר באמצעות טלפונים ניידים חכמים. הפעילות באינטרנט
בשעות הפנאי מזמנת לבני הנוער הזדמנויות רבות ללמידה, תקשורת ופעילות פנאי, והיא משרתת כזירה …