The concept of comonotonicity in actuarial science and finance: theory
In an insurance context, one is often interested in the distribution function of a sum of
random variables. Such a sum appears when considering the aggregate claims of an …
random variables. Such a sum appears when considering the aggregate claims of an …
The concept of comonotonicity in actuarial science and finance: applications
In an insurance context, one is often interested in the distribution function of a sum of
random variables (rv's). Such a sum appears when considering the aggregate claims of an …
random variables (rv's). Such a sum appears when considering the aggregate claims of an …
Springer series in statistics
The idea for this book came from the time the authors spent at the Statistics and Applied
Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina …
Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) in Research Triangle Park in North Carolina …
Risk measures and comonotonicity: a review
In this paper we examine and summarize properties of several well-known risk measures
that can be used in the framework of setting solvency capital requirements for a risky …
that can be used in the framework of setting solvency capital requirements for a risky …
Securitization of Longevity Risk: Pricing Survivor Bonds With Wang Transform in the Lee‐Carter Framework
M Denuit, P Devolder… - Journal of Risk and …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Longevity risk is a major issue for insurers and pension funds, especially in the selling of
annuity products. In that respect, securitization of this risk could offer great opportunities for …
annuity products. In that respect, securitization of this risk could offer great opportunities for …
Dependence in probabilistic modeling, Dempster-Shafer theory, and probability bounds analysis.
WL Oberkampf, WT Tucker, J Zhang, L Ginzburg… - 2004 -
This report summarizes methods to incorporate information (or lack of information) about
inter-variable dependence into risk assessments that use Dempster-Shafer theory or …
inter-variable dependence into risk assessments that use Dempster-Shafer theory or …
Risk aggregation with dependence uncertainty
Risk aggregation with dependence uncertainty refers to the sum of individual risks with
known marginal distributions and unspecified dependence structure. We introduce the …
known marginal distributions and unspecified dependence structure. We introduce the …
Value‐at‐risk bounds with variance constraints
C Bernard, L Rüschendorf… - Journal of Risk and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We study bounds on the Value‐at‐Risk (VaR) of a portfolio when besides the marginal
distributions of the components its variance is also known, a situation that is of considerable …
distributions of the components its variance is also known, a situation that is of considerable …
Pricing of arithmetic basket options by conditioning
G Deelstra, J Liinev, M Vanmaele - Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2004 - Elsevier
Determining the price of a basket option is not a trivial task, because there is no explicit
analytical expression available for the distribution of the weighted sum of prices of the assets …
analytical expression available for the distribution of the weighted sum of prices of the assets …
Some results on the CTE-based capital allocation rule
Tasche [Tasche, D., 1999. Risk contributions and performance measurement. Working
paper, Technische Universität München] introduces a capital allocation principle where the …
paper, Technische Universität München] introduces a capital allocation principle where the …