Predicting software effort from use case points: A systematic review

M Azzeh, AB Nassif, IB Attili - Science of Computer Programming, 2021 - Elsevier
Context: Predicting software project effort from Use Case Points (UCP) method is
increasingly used among researchers and practitioners. However, unlike other effort …

A proposed framework in an intelligent recommender system for the college student

D Kurniadi, E Abdurachman, H Warnars… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
This article aims to proposed framework an Intelligent Recommender System (IRS) for
students in higher education institutions. This conceptual framework includes problems in …

The prediction of scholarship recipients in higher education using k-Nearest neighbor algorithm

D Kurniadi, E Abdurachman, H Warnars… - IOP conference series …, 2018 -
This article aims to implement the algorithm model of k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) in
analyzing, predicting, and classifying students who have potentials to get scholarships in …

Comparative analysis of decision tree algorithms: Random forest and C4. 5 for airlines customer satisfaction classification

W Baswardono, D Kurniadi, A Mulyani… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
This article aims to a comparative analysis of decision tree algorithms between random
forest and C4. 5 for airlines customer satisfaction classification. The comparative study …

Perfecting a video game with game metrics

J Junaidi, A Julianto, N Anwar… - TELKOMNIKA …, 2018 -
A state of a perfect video game is what developers has been seeking for their product
developments, to achieve the selected state, several standards and methods needs to be …

Keamanan Data dan Transaksi dalam Pemanfaatan Cloud sebagai Service

A Fahrezi, N Apriliani, N Ajijah… - Jurnal …, 2022 -
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu penggunaan internet semakin berkembang terlebih
dengan adanya fasilitas yang ditawarkan kepada pengguna. Berdasarkan data yang …

Sistem kendali perangkat elektronik rumah berbasis android dan arduino

D Kurniadi, L Amelia - Jurnal Algoritma, 2018 -
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah merancang prototipe sistem kendali perangkat elektronik
rumah berbasis android dan arduino, sistem ini dibuat untuk mengendalikan sistem …

Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Online Berbasis Web pada Toko Spiccato Bandung

NN Firmansyah, A Mulyani - Jurnal Algoritma, 2017 -
Abstrak Aplikasi Penjualan Online ini adalah salah satu aplikasi yang dibutuhkan dalam
dunia bisnis terutama menyangkut dengan masalah teknologi. Dimana pada saat ini …

Perancangan aplikasi survei kepuasan mahasiswa berbasis kuesioner online

D Kurniadi, AF Islami - Jurnal Algoritma, 2018 -
Keberhasilan sebuah perguruan tinggi sebagai lembaga pendidikan salah satu faktornya
ditentukan oleh mutu pelayanan yang diberikan, dimana pelayanan yang bermutu dapat …

Design of prototype decision support system for flood detection based on ultrasonic sensor

Y Septiana - MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018 -
The system of awareness of the overflow of river water that causes flooding cannot work
automatically and in real time in providing a warning about the elevation of river surface that …