Toward the role of teacher empathy in students' engagement in English language classes

Z Zhang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
This paper aimed at examining the related studies on the relationship between teacher
empathy and learner engagement in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning …

Emotional intelligence scale for male nursing students and its latent regression on gender and background variables

J Lou, H Chen, R Li - Healthcare, 2022 -
This study aimed to develop an emotional intelligence (EI) scale for male nursing students
and investigate its associations with gender, age, religious beliefs, and father's and mother's …

The role of teacher empathy and immediacy in Chinese EFL students' affective learning outcomes: unveiling the associations

N Wang, J Kang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 -
Introduction The positive influences of teacher-student interpersonal communication skills
on second language (L2) students have been considerably endorsed in the literature …

The significance of teacher empathy in fostering students' engagement in English language classes

N Kianinezhad - Journal of Research in Curriculum Instruction …, 2023 -
T his research paper critically reviews the literature on the correlation between teacher
empathy and learner engagement in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning …

Motivation behind the preference of distance education of higher education students

N Pidbutska, A Knysh, Y Chebakova… - Journal of Education …, 2022 -
Aim. The aim of the study is to investigate into the motives of learning that are inherent in
students with different attitudes to distance learning. The main objectives of the study are as …

Рівень задоволеності організацією онлайн-навчання у здобувачів вищої освіти

А Книш, О Підбуцький - Теорія і практика управління …, 2023 -
Анотація статтю присвячено дослідженню рівня задоволеності здобувачів вищої освіти
різними аспектами організації онлайн навчання. Наведено результати опитування 124 …