Exchange rate as a shock absorber in Poland and Slovakia: Evidence from Bayesian SVAR models with common serial correlation

MA Dąbrowski, J Wroblewska - Economic Modelling, 2016 - Elsevier
The paper examines whether exchange rates in Poland and Slovakia acted as shock
absorbers or shock-propagating mechanisms. A set of Bayesian structural VAR models is …

[PDF][PDF] Common Trends and Common Cycles-Bayesian Approach

J Wróblewska - Central European Journal of Economic Modelling …, 2015 -
In 1993 Engle and Kozicki proposed the notion of common features of which one example is
a serial correlation common feature. We say that stationary, noninnovation processes exhibit …

Common stochastic features and their economic interpretation

M Majsterek - Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 2023 -
Background: Cointegration analysis has been part of the research literature for almost 40
years. However, other common features that cause disequilibrium of economic categories …

Exchange rate as a shock absorber or a shock propagator in Poland and Slovakia-an approach based on Bayesian SVAR models with common serial correlation

MA Dąbrowski, J Wróblewska - 2015 -
The paper examines whether exchange rates in Poland and Slovakia acted as shock
absorbers or rather shock-propagating mechanisms. A set of Bayesian structural VAR …

[图书][B] Modele ze zmiennymi ukrytymi w analizie inflacji w Polsce

J Kwiatkowski - 2019 -
[…] monografia jawi się jako dzieło spójne, poświęcone modelowaniu i prognozowaniu
inflacji. Praca ma charakter metodyczno-empiryczny. Omawiana problematyka jest aktualna …