[图书][B] Research handbook on human rights and intellectual property

C Geiger - 2015 - books.google.com
Page 1 Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property Research Handbook on Human Rights and
Intellectual Property Edited by Christophe Geiger EE Elgar Page 2 RESEARCH HANDBOOK …

Do tax policies drive innovation by SMEs in China?

R Wang, JP Kesan - Journal of small business management, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
There is little empirical evidence showing how innovation by small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) is impacted by tax policies, especially SMEs from developing countries. We study …

The moderating role of IPR on the relationship between country-level R&D and individual-level entrepreneurial performance

A Van Stel, S Lyalkov, A Millán, JM Millán - The Journal of Technology …, 2019 - Springer
Using recent data drawn from the European Working Conditions Survey for 32 European
countries, we explore the relationship between country-level expenditures on R&D …

Intellectual property rights, distance to the frontier, and R&D: Evidence from microdata

AD Malva, E Santarelli - Eurasian Business Review, 2016 - Springer
Using firm-level data for 28 transition countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia over the
2002–2009 period, this paper analyzes whether differences in the functioning of intellectual …

IPR infringement in the United States: Impacts on the input and output of R&D

RK Goel - The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2020 - Springer
This paper examines the impact of intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement on the input
(R&D spending) and output (patents) of the research process. The extant literature proxies …

The optimal scope of trade secrets law

LA Franzoni, AK Kaushik - International review of law and economics, 2016 - Elsevier
The paper investigates the optimal scope of trade secrets law. In the model, one innovative
firm invests resources first to produce knowledge, and then to protect it from unwanted …

The Knowledge/Embodiment Dichotomy

KE Collins - UCDL Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
A wave of controversial cases addressing the reach of patent eligible subject matter under
Section 101 of the Patent Act has recently washed through the Patent and Trademark Office …


ВА Арутюнян, ЛН Рубцова - ПРОБЛЕМЫ УСТОЙЧИВОСТИ …, 2021 - elibrary.ru
В статье проанализированы достоинства, недостатки, перспективы социально
ответственного инвестирования и приобретения «акций греха» …

[PDF][PDF] Роль института интеллектуальной собственности в становлении «новой» экономики

АА Ахметов - автореферат дис.... кандидата экономических наук, 2013 - fa.ru
Автореферат разослан «17» апреля 2013г. Объявление о защите диссертации и
автореферат диссертации «17» апреля 2013г. размещены на официальном сайте …

Lost profits and unjust-enrichment damages for the misappropriation of trade secrets

LA Franzoni, AK Kaushik - The Journal of Legal Studies, 2024 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper analyzes civil remedies for the misappropriation of trade secrets. We study the
impact of different damages doctrines on firms' competitive behavior and on the incentives to …