Monetary policy independence reconsidered: evidence from six non-euro members of the European Union

H Gabrisch - Empirica, 2017 - Springer
This study measures the degree of de-facto monetary policy independence of a national
central bank. This measurement might allow a central bank to assess the gains and losses …

Tőkepiaci fertőzések a visegrádi országok részvénypiacain a Heckman-féle szelekciós modell alapján

M Csiki, GD Kiss - Hitelintezeti Szemle/Financial and Economic …, 2018 -
Tanulmányunkban a visegrádi régió három országának–Lengyelország, Csehország,
Magyarország–és két fejlett ország–USA és Németország–részvénypiaci indexei között …

[PDF][PDF] Capital market contagion in the stock markets of visegrád countries based on the Heckman selection model

M Csiki, GD Kiss - Financial and Economic Review, 2018 -
Capital Market Contagion in the Stock Markets of Visegrád Countries Based on the Heckman
Selection Model* Page 1 23 Capital Market Contagion in the Stock Markets of Visegrád …

Monetary policy, interest groups, financial crisis

PP Kolozsi - Public Finance Quarterly= Pénzügyi Szemle, 2013 -
The outbreak of the financial and economic crisis in 2007–2008 put an end to the previous
consensus on monetary policy. The effects of monetary policy on redistribution have come to …

The euro crisis and contagion among central and eastern european currencies: recommendations for avoiding lending in a safe haven currency such as CHF

GD Kiss, T Schuszter - Prague Economic Papers, 2015 -
This study analyses the Czech, Hungarian, and Polish currencies by examining the
statistical characteristics of the Swiss franc as well as the ECB monetary policy in order to …


RH DAN - Annals of'Constantin Brancusi'University of Targu-Jiu …, 2015 -
One of the most important implications of different levels of market efficiency is associated to
the usability and the results of applying various methods of information processing. More …

For our authors

M Csiki, GD Kiss -
In our study, we examine contagions materialising between the stock market indices of three
countries in the Visegrád region–Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary–and selected …

Market efficiency in relation to the financial crisis of 2008

B Bakosi, Á Szűcs -
Minden befektető számára központi kérdés az árfolyamok előre jelezhetősége. A modern
pénzügyi szakirodalomban újra vita alakult ki a piaci hatékonyság helytállóságával …

The Macroeconomic role of Market Liquidity–Microstructure Analysis from a Regulatory Point of view

C Ádám - 2019 -
There are many definitions of liquidity in the financial literature and different market
participants have different definitions as well. However, all of them are related to each other …

[PDF][PDF] Az együttmozgás vége–a kelet-közép-európai devizák és a svájci frank kapcsolata1

A pénzügyi stabilitás hangsúlyának erősödése napjainkban a makroprudenciális
szabályozás monetáris politikába emelésének igényét eredményezte. A jelentős mértékű …