Identification of Enterobacter bacteria as saxitoxin producers in cattle's rumen and surface water from Venezuelan Savannahs

C Sevcik, J Noriega, G D'Suze - Toxicon, 2003 - Elsevier
We have previously shown that a paralytic toxin able to block sodium channels in nerve is
associated with a cattle disease known as bovine paraplegic syndrome (BPS)[Toxicon. 31 …

[HTML][HTML] Annual variations of the sodium channel blocking toxin in Venezuelan cattle prone to develop the bovine paraplegic syndrome: its dependence on rain

C Sevcik, G D'suze - Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 1998 - SciELO Brasil
A characteristic of the bovine paraplegic syndrome (BPS) is ventral or sternal decubitus in
animals that make unsuccessful efforts to stand when stimulated. Death occurs after a few …

Molekular-epidemiologische Untersuchung klinischer Isolate des Enterobacter cloacae Komplexes und Identifizierung eines Genotyp-spezifischen Fitnessfaktors mit …

AN Stumpf - 2008 -
Abstract Vertreter des Enterobacter cloacae Komplexes sind gram-negative Bakterien der
intestinalen Normalflora vieler Menschen und gleichzeitig häufige Erreger von Pneumonien …