Distributional price effects of rent controls in Berlin: When expectation meets reality
L Thomschke - 2016 - econstor.eu
An enormous increase of initial rents in many German cities over the last decade has
prompted the current grand coalition to implement a new rent control called" …
prompted the current grand coalition to implement a new rent control called" …
A search model of rental markets: Who should pay the commission?
A Niedermayer, C Wang - International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018 - Elsevier
We develop a dynamic search equilibrium model of rental markets with brokerage fees. An
endogenous mass of landlords and tenants is active in the search market. While the mass of …
endogenous mass of landlords and tenants is active in the search market. While the mass of …
[图书][B] Mietpreisbremse und Bestellerprinzip
N Gustorff - 2021 - nomos-elibrary.de
Was sind die Hintergründe, die Regulierungswirkung und die Verfassungsmäßigkeit von
Mietpreisbremse und Bestellerprinzip? Der Verfasser arbeitet heraus, worin die Ursachen …
Mietpreisbremse und Bestellerprinzip? Der Verfasser arbeitet heraus, worin die Ursachen …
[PDF][PDF] Inattention in the rental housing market: Evidence from a natural experiment
EM Berger, F Schmidt - 2019 - ipp-mainz.uni-mainz.de
We investigate the question of whether agents on the rental housing market are inattentive
to sizeable side costs of renting, namely commissions payable by renters to real estate …
to sizeable side costs of renting, namely commissions payable by renters to real estate …
[PDF][PDF] Distributional price effects of rent controls in Berlin
L Thomschke - 2016 - wiwi.uni-muenster.de
An enormous increase of initial rents in many German cities over the last decade has
prompted the current grand coalition to implement a new rent control called” …
prompted the current grand coalition to implement a new rent control called” …
Real-Estate Purchase Tax and the Fees of Real-Estate Agents as a Shared Ad-Valorem Tax: An Economic Analysis of a German Law Reform
R Kirstein - Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche …, 2019 - Springer
This paper analyzes ad-valorem taxation in a market. It shows that the traded quantity does
not only depend on the tax rate, but also on how the obligation to pay an ad-valorem tax is …
not only depend on the tax rate, but also on how the obligation to pay an ad-valorem tax is …
The appointment principle on rental and housing markets—is well-intended also well done?
J Michaelis, B Schwanebeck - List Forum für Wirtschafts-und Finanzpolitik, 2020 - Springer
By implementing the “appointment principle”—the party who hires the broker should pay the
brokerage fee—, German law requires brokers to charge landlords instead of tenants. We …
brokerage fee—, German law requires brokers to charge landlords instead of tenants. We …
Das Bestellerprinzip auf Wohnungs-und Immobilienmärkten–ist gut gemeint auch gut?
J Michaelis, B Schwanebeck - 2020 - kobra.uni-kassel.de
Zusammenfassung Mit der Implementierung des Bestellerprinzips–wer den Makler
beauftragt, muss ihn auch bezahlen–hat der Gesetzgeber einen Wechsel der Zahllast für die …
beauftragt, muss ihn auch bezahlen–hat der Gesetzgeber einen Wechsel der Zahllast für die …
[PDF][PDF] und Verkauf von Wohnimmobilien–Eine ökonomische Analyse
DB beim Kauf - diw-econ.de
Aktuell wird deshalb die Einführung eines bundesweiten Bestellerprinzips bei
Immobilienkäufen diskutiert. Künftig würden dadurch die AuftraggeberInnen der …
Immobilienkäufen diskutiert. Künftig würden dadurch die AuftraggeberInnen der …
[PDF][PDF] Unburden Renters by Making Landlords Pay the Commission? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
EM Berger, F Schmidt - 2018 - ipp-mainz.uni-mainz.de
Recently, prices for rental housing have been increasing in many cities in the western world.
Unburdening renters has been the goal of many policy measures, one example is the legal …
Unburdening renters has been the goal of many policy measures, one example is the legal …