Fifty years of the bottleneck model: A bibliometric review and future research directions

ZC Li, HJ Huang, H Yang - Transportation research part B: methodological, 2020 - Elsevier
The bottleneck model introduced by Vickrey in 1969 has been recognized as a benchmark
representation of the peak-period traffic congestion due to its ability to capture the essence …

Travel behaviour and game theory: A review of route choice modeling behaviour

F Ahmad, L Al-Fagih - Journal of choice modelling, 2024 - Elsevier
Route choice models are a vital tool for evaluating the impact of transportation policies and
infrastructure improvements, such as the addition of new roads, tolls, or congestion charges …

Analysis of multi-modal commute behavior with feeding and competing ridesplitting services

Z Zhu, X Qin, J Ke, Z Zheng, H Yang - … Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020 - Elsevier
Public transit is an essential travel mode in many urban areas. Emerging dynamic
ridesplitting programs provided by transportation network companies (TNCs) can be a …

Equilibrium analysis of morning commuting and parking under spatial capacity allocation in the autonomous vehicle environment

X Zhang, W Liu, M Levin, ST Waller - Transportation Research Part E …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study analytically investigates the morning commuting and parking patterns of
autonomous vehicles (AVs) under different spatial road capacity allocation schemes (ie …

Modeling the impact of vehicle-to-grid discharge technology on transport and power systems

Y Ding, X Li, S Jian - Transportation Research Part D: Transport and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology enables electric vehicles (EVs) to discharge
unused power to the power grid, allowing EVs to serve as flexible energy resources …

Modeling and managing ridesharing in a multi-modal network with an aggregate traffic representation: A doubly dynamical approach

B Wei, M Saberi, F Zhang, W Liu, ST Waller - Transportation Research Part …, 2020 - Elsevier
This study models a multi-modal network with ridesharing services. The developed model
reproduces the scenario where travelers with their own cars may choose to be a solo-driver …

Public or private? Optimal organization for incentive-based travel demand management

J Wu, Y Tian, J Sun, HM Zhang, Y Wang - Transportation Research Part E …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Incentive-Based Travel Demand Management (IBTDM) strategies have received
more attention in recent years as they are more appealing to commuters than penalty-based …

Integrating probabilistic tensor factorization with Bayesian supervised learning for dynamic ridesharing pattern analysis

Z Zhu, L Sun, X Chen, H Yang - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging …, 2021 - Elsevier
In the era of transportation big data, the analysis of mobility patterns generally involves large
quantities of datasets with high-dimensional variables recording individual travelers' …

Capturing the interaction between travel time reliability and route choice behavior based on the generalized Bayesian traffic model

Z Zhu, A Mardan, S Zhu, H Yang - Transportation research part B …, 2021 - Elsevier
Travel time reliability plays an important role in travelers' route choice behaviors. Based on a
previously developed generalized Bayesian traffic model, we propose different types of …

Data-driven approach for solving the route choice problem with traveling backward behavior in congested metro systems

C Yu, H Li, X Xu, J Liu - Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and …, 2020 - Elsevier
This study proposes a data-driven approach to understand traveling backward (TB) behavior
while making a route choice in congested metros. First, TB behavior during route choice in …