[HTML][HTML] Road dust from pavement wear and traction sanding
K Kupiainen - 2007 - helda.helsinki.fi
Vehicles affect the concentrations of ambient airborne particles through exhaust emissions,
but particles are also formed in the mechanical processes in the tire-road interface, brakes …
but particles are also formed in the mechanical processes in the tire-road interface, brakes …
Vehicle non-exhaust emissions from the tyre–road interface–effect of stud properties, traction sanding and resuspension
KJ Kupiainen, L Pirjola - Atmospheric environment, 2011 - Elsevier
In Northern cities respirable street dust emission levels (PM10) are especially high during
spring. The spring time dust has been observed to cause health effects as well as discomfort …
spring. The spring time dust has been observed to cause health effects as well as discomfort …
[HTML][HTML] Dissipation of tungsten and environmental release of nanoparticles from tire studs: A Swedish case study
A Furberg, R Arvidsson, S Molander - Journal of cleaner production, 2019 - Elsevier
Tire studs, with pins made of cemented tungsten carbide with cobalt (WC-Co), are used in
many countries during winter. Tungsten, the main content of the pins, is geochemically …
many countries during winter. Tungsten, the main content of the pins, is geochemically …
Calibration of the Swedish studded tyre abrasion wear prediction model with implication for the NORTRIP road dust emission model
An experimentally based prediction model of road abrasion wear due to studded tyres is
available in Sweden and has been found to work well. However, it has not been validated …
available in Sweden and has been found to work well. However, it has not been validated …
[HTML][HTML] A health economic assessment of air pollution effects under climate neutral vehicle fleet scenarios in Stockholm, Sweden
HK Kriit, JN Sommar, B Forsberg, S Åström… - Journal of Transport & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Introduction Electric vehicles (EVs) are heavily promoted as beneficial for climate
and health. In most studies, it is assumed that EVs contribution to urban air pollution is zero …
and health. In most studies, it is assumed that EVs contribution to urban air pollution is zero …
Physical and economic impacts of studded tyre use on pavement structures in cold climates
In cold regions like Alaska of USA, Canada and the northern parts of Europe, using studded
tyres is common among the public when driving in icy and snowy conditions. However …
tyres is common among the public when driving in icy and snowy conditions. However …
Исследование устойчивости дорожно-строительных материалов к износному колееобразованию в условиях, приближенных к эксплуатационным
ЮЭ Васильев, АВ Ивачев… - Вестник евразийской …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье рассмотрена необходимость и возможность осуществления испытания
строительных материалов на колееобразование в условиях полевых испытательных …
строительных материалов на колееобразование в условиях полевых испытательных …
Analysis and evaluation of the effect of studded tyres on road pavement and environment (III)
A Laurinavičius, D Miškinis, R Vaiškūnaitė… - The Baltic Journal of …, 2010 - journals.rtu.lv
In the economic evaluation of studded tyres their benefit and damage to the public was
analyzed. Such aspects as the price of studded tyres, their effect on braking distance, fuel …
analyzed. Such aspects as the price of studded tyres, their effect on braking distance, fuel …
Designs of abrasion resistant and durable concrete pavements made with SCMs for cold climates
D Murph, J Liu, J Liu - Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B …, 2022 - ascelibrary.org
Rutting from studded tire wear is a typical pavement distress in cold climates such as that of
Alaska and other northern states. Current state-of-the-art advancements in material …
Alaska and other northern states. Current state-of-the-art advancements in material …
Toward development of asphaltic materials to resist studded tire wear
Studded tires are commonly used in parts of the United States to reduce snow-and ice-
related accidents, but these tires can cause significant damage to the pavement because …
related accidents, but these tires can cause significant damage to the pavement because …