Cavity models of planar components grounded by via-holes and their experimental verification
Semianalytical electromagnetic models of grounding via-holes and shorted resonators of
different shapes are proposed and experimentally verified. Our models are based on the …
different shapes are proposed and experimentally verified. Our models are based on the …
Predicate gates, components and a processor for spatial logic
GA Kouzaev, AN Kostadinov - Journal of Circuits, Systems, and …, 2010 - World Scientific
Predicate logic gates, components and a processor are proposed for space–time signals
and computing. Voltage impulses are transmitted along two wires and the signals are …
and computing. Voltage impulses are transmitted along two wires and the signals are …
[PDF][PDF] Predicate gates for spatial logic
GA Kouzaev, AN Kostadinov - Proc. 11th WSEAS Int. Multiconference …, 2007 - Citeseer
The predicate logic gates are proposed for spatially modulated signals. Two voltage
impulses are transmitted along the coupled wires, and they are considered as a predicate …
impulses are transmitted along the coupled wires, and they are considered as a predicate …
Communications by vector manifolds
G Kouzaev - Proceedings of the European Computing Conference …, 2009 - Springer
The topological structure of the electromagnetic fields of signals is studied. It is shown that
the topology of field-force line maps is a natural carrier of digital information. In this paper, a …
the topology of field-force line maps is a natural carrier of digital information. In this paper, a …
Transmission Lines and Passive Components
The goal of this chapter is to analyze the problems in the modeling and design of passive
components at increased frequencies up 100 GHz. It starts with a short review on the state of …
components at increased frequencies up 100 GHz. It starts with a short review on the state of …
[PDF][PDF] Spatial quasineural circuits for electromagnetic signals
GA Kouzaev - … Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in Science …, 2008 -
It is assumed that the digital-like spatio-time brain activity might be caused by non-
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …
Geometro-topological Approaches to the EM Problems
GA Kouzaev, GA Kouzaev - Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics …, 2013 - Springer
In this Chapter, several geometro-topological theories of the EM field and boundary value
problems are considered. The main attention is paid to the topological approach based on …
problems are considered. The main attention is paid to the topological approach based on …
Technologies for Microwave and High-speed Electronics
GA Kouzaev, GA Kouzaev - Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics …, 2013 - Springer
This Chapter is an introductory review on the contemporary technologies of manufacturing of
microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and their packaging. Among them are the …
microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and their packaging. Among them are the …
Logic for electromagnetic field patterns
G Kouzaev - arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.4600, 2008 -
It is assumed that the digital-like spatio-time brain activity might be caused by non-
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …
Spatio-Temporal Electromagnetic Field Shapes and their Logical Processing
GA Kouzaev - arXiv preprint physics/0701081, 2007 -
This paper is on the spatio-temporal signals with the topologically modulated
electromagnetic fields. The carrier of the digital information is the topological scheme …
electromagnetic fields. The carrier of the digital information is the topological scheme …