Cavity models of planar components grounded by via-holes and their experimental verification

GA Kouzaev, MJ Deen, NK Nikolova… - IEEE transactions on …, 2006 -
Semianalytical electromagnetic models of grounding via-holes and shorted resonators of
different shapes are proposed and experimentally verified. Our models are based on the …

Predicate gates, components and a processor for spatial logic

GA Kouzaev, AN Kostadinov - Journal of Circuits, Systems, and …, 2010 - World Scientific
Predicate logic gates, components and a processor are proposed for space–time signals
and computing. Voltage impulses are transmitted along two wires and the signals are …

[PDF][PDF] Predicate gates for spatial logic

GA Kouzaev, AN Kostadinov - Proc. 11th WSEAS Int. Multiconference …, 2007 - Citeseer
The predicate logic gates are proposed for spatially modulated signals. Two voltage
impulses are transmitted along the coupled wires, and they are considered as a predicate …

Communications by vector manifolds

G Kouzaev - Proceedings of the European Computing Conference …, 2009 - Springer
The topological structure of the electromagnetic fields of signals is studied. It is shown that
the topology of field-force line maps is a natural carrier of digital information. In this paper, a …

Transmission Lines and Passive Components

GA Kouzaev, MJ Deen, NK Nikolova - Advances in Imaging and Electron …, 2012 - Elsevier
The goal of this chapter is to analyze the problems in the modeling and design of passive
components at increased frequencies up 100 GHz. It starts with a short review on the state of …

[PDF][PDF] Spatial quasineural circuits for electromagnetic signals

GA Kouzaev - … Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in Science …, 2008 -
It is assumed that the digital-like spatio-time brain activity might be caused by non-
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …

Geometro-topological Approaches to the EM Problems

GA Kouzaev, GA Kouzaev - Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics …, 2013 - Springer
In this Chapter, several geometro-topological theories of the EM field and boundary value
problems are considered. The main attention is paid to the topological approach based on …

Technologies for Microwave and High-speed Electronics

GA Kouzaev, GA Kouzaev - Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics …, 2013 - Springer
This Chapter is an introductory review on the contemporary technologies of manufacturing of
microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and their packaging. Among them are the …

Logic for electromagnetic field patterns

G Kouzaev - arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.4600, 2008 -
It is assumed that the digital-like spatio-time brain activity might be caused by non-
topological transformations of patterns in the cortex which is a linear, analog and active …

Spatio-Temporal Electromagnetic Field Shapes and their Logical Processing

GA Kouzaev - arXiv preprint physics/0701081, 2007 -
This paper is on the spatio-temporal signals with the topologically modulated
electromagnetic fields. The carrier of the digital information is the topological scheme …