Word sense disambiguation: A survey
R Navigli - ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 2009 - dl.acm.org
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the ability to identify the meaning of words in context
in a computational manner. WSD is considered an AI-complete problem, that is, a task …
in a computational manner. WSD is considered an AI-complete problem, that is, a task …
[PDF][PDF] Introduction to the special issue on word sense disambiguation: the state of the art
N Ide, J Véronis - Computational linguistics, 1998 - aclanthology.org
The automatic disambiguation of word senses hasbeen an interest and concern since the
earliest days of computer treatment of language in the 1950s. Sense disambiguation is an" …
earliest days of computer treatment of language in the 1950s. Sense disambiguation is an" …
Semantic similarity in a taxonomy: An information-based measure and its application to problems of ambiguity in natural language
P Resnik - Journal of artificial intelligence research, 1999 - jair.org
This article presents a measure of semantic similarity in an IS-A taxonomy based on the
notion of shared information content. Experimental evaluation against a benchmark set of …
notion of shared information content. Experimental evaluation against a benchmark set of …
[PDF][PDF] Ontological Semantics
S Nirenburg - 2004 - lanlib.alzahra.ac.ir
A comprehensive theory-based approach to the treatment of text meaning in natural
language processing applications. In Ontological Semantics, Sergei Nirenburg and Victor …
language processing applications. In Ontological Semantics, Sergei Nirenburg and Victor …
Models of translational equivalence among words
ID Melamed - Computational Linguistics, 2000 - direct.mit.edu
Parallel texts (bitexts) have properties that distinguish them from other kinds of parallel data.
First, most words translate to only one other word. Second, bitext correspondence is typically …
First, most words translate to only one other word. Second, bitext correspondence is typically …
Building a free French wordnet from multilingual resources
This paper describes automatic construction a freely-available wordnet for French (WOLF)
based on Princeton WordNet (PWN) by using various multilingual resources. Polysemous …
based on Princeton WordNet (PWN) by using various multilingual resources. Polysemous …
Distinguishing systems and distinguishing senses: New evaluation methods for word sense disambiguation
P Resnik, D Yarowsky - Natural language engineering, 1999 - cambridge.org
Resnik and Yarowsky (1997) made a set of observations about the state-of-the-art in
automatic word sense disambiguation and, motivated by those observations, offered several …
automatic word sense disambiguation and, motivated by those observations, offered several …
Word sense disambiguation using cosine similarity collaborates with Word2vec and WordNet
K Orkphol, W Yang - Future Internet, 2019 - mdpi.com
Words have different meanings (ie, senses) depending on the context. Disambiguating the
correct sense is important and a challenging task for natural language processing. An …
correct sense is important and a challenging task for natural language processing. An …
[PDF][PDF] Unsupervised multilingual learning for POS tagging
B Snyder, T Naseem, J Eisenstein… - Proceedings of the 2008 …, 2008 - aclanthology.org
We demonstrate the effectiveness of multilingual learning for unsupervised part-of-speech
tagging. The key hypothesis of multilingual learning is that by combining cues from multiple …
tagging. The key hypothesis of multilingual learning is that by combining cues from multiple …
Word sense disambiguation
RB Bradford - US Patent 7,024,407, 2006 - Google Patents
Int. Cl. G06F 7/30(2006.01) Systems and methods for word sense disambiguation,(52) US
Cl................................................ 707/5: 707/3 including discerning one or more senses or …
Cl................................................ 707/5: 707/3 including discerning one or more senses or …