[图书][B] The future of futures: the time of money in financing and society

E Esposito - 2011 - books.google.com
'Within the cacophony of voices trying to explain the recent financial crisis, Elena Esposito's
voice sounds clear and deep. Steering away from simplistic condemnations and equally …

The economics of the mind

S Rizzello - The Economics of the Mind, 1999 - elgaronline.com
The Economics of the Mind addresses economics from the perspective of real men and
women: how they assess things, decide and act. It looks at the choices we make, and calls …

[图书][B] Il sistema organizzativo aziendale

F Fontana - 1993 - books.google.com
Il Catalogo ipertestuale FrancoAngeli è consultabile in Internet e su CdRom Oltre 7.000 titoli,
abstract e indici dettagliati, 20.000 autori, 60 riviste sono consultabili in modo ipertestuale su …

[图书][B] The age of fragmentation: A history of contemporary economic thought

A Roncaglia - 2019 - books.google.com
The field of economics has proliferated in complexity and importance since the Second
World War. Alessandro Roncaglia recounts the history of the different approaches …

The economic theory of socialism and the labour-managed firm: Markets, socialism and labour management

B Jossa, G Cuomo - The Economic Theory of Socialism and the …, 1997 - elgaronline.com
The Economic Theory of Socialism and the Labour-Managed Firm focuses on market
socialism and the relevant debate among economic theorists. It argues that market socialism …

[图书][B] Libertarian communism: Marx, Engels and the political economy of freedom

E Screpanti - 2007 - books.google.com
Central to this book is a discussion of the notion of freedom in Marx and Engel's work. The
book argues that the libertarian foundations of political economy were present in Marx's and …

Making visible “the invisible hand”: The mission of social simulation

C Castelfranchi - Interdisciplinary applications of agent-based social …, 2014 - igi-global.com
Agent-based computer simulation is the central (revolutionary) challenge for the future of
Social Sciences. The foundational issue of the Social Sciences is the micro-macro link, the …

Le declinazioni della complessità. Ordine, caos e sistemi complessi

F Faggioni, C Simone - Sinergie, 2009 - iris.uniroma1.it
The paper proposes a reasoned reading of the complexity in terms of measurement and
systemic interdisciplinary approaches. The first part highlights the reasons for the …

[图书][B] Dal libro manoscritto al libro stampato: Sistemi di mercato a Bologna e Firenze agli albori del capitalismo

G Bonifati - 2017 - books.google.com
''I libri vengono ora stampati in un momento e in una quantità che è indipendente dalla
manifestazione effettiva della volontà di acquistarli da parte dei clienti. Per il libro stampato è …

Captains of Industry and Masters of Thought. The Entrepreneur and the Tradition of Italian Liberal Economists from Francesco Ferrara to Sergio Ricossa

P Bini - Rivista italiana degli economisti, 2013 - rivisteweb.it
The essay deals with five eminent Italian economists and their positions on the theory and
practice of entrepreneurship over the span of a century and half: from Francesco Ferrara's …