Family background, neighborhoods, and intergenerational mobility

M Mogstad, G Torsvik - Handbook of the Economics of the Family, 2023 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews the literature on intergenerational mobility. While our review is
centered around the large empirical literature on this topic, we also give a brief discussion of …

Methods for measuring school effectiveness

J Angrist, P Hull, C Walters - Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2023 - Elsevier
Many personal and policy decisions turn on perceptions of school effectiveness, defined
here as the causal effect of attendance at a particular school or set of schools on student test …

Earnings dynamics, changing job skills, and STEM careers

DJ Deming, K Noray - The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020 -
This article studies the impact of changing job skills on career earnings dynamics for college
graduates. We measure changes in the skill content of occupations between 2007 and 2019 …

Bartik instruments: What, when, why, and how

P Goldsmith-Pinkham, I Sorkin, H Swift - American Economic Review, 2020 -
The Bartik instrument is formed by interacting local industry shares and national industry
growth rates. We show that the typical use of a Bartik instrument assumes a pooled …

Income segregation and intergenerational mobility across colleges in the United States

R Chetty, JN Friedman, E Saez… - The Quarterly Journal …, 2020 -
We construct publicly available statistics on parents' incomes and students' earnings
outcomes for each college in the United States using deidentified data from tax records …

Bildung in Deutschland 2018: ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu Wirkungen und Erträgen von Bildung

A Bildungsberichterstattung - 2018 -
In dieser Dauerbeobachtung des deutschen Bildungssystems führen die Autorinnen und
Autoren die Analyse bekannter Indikatoren mit neuen Akzenten fort. Schwerpunktthema der …

Educational inequality

J Blanden, M Doepke, J Stuhler - Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2023 - Elsevier
This chapter provides new evidence on educational inequality and reviews the literature on
the causes and consequences of unequal education. We document large achievement gaps …

Gender differences in the choice of major: The importance of female role models

C Porter, D Serra - American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020 -
We conducted a field experiment aimed at increasing the percentage of women majoring in
economics. We exposed students enrolled in introductory classes to successful and …

Education Pays 2016: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society. Trends in Higher Education Series.

J Ma, M Pender, M Welch - College Board, 2016 - ERIC
This report documents differences in the earnings and employment patterns of US adults
with different levels of education. It also compares health-related behaviors, reliance on …

Do parents value school effectiveness?

A Abdulkadiroğlu, PA Pathak, J Schellenberg… - American Economic …, 2020 -
School choice may lead to improvements in school productivity if parents' choices reward
effective schools and punish ineffective ones. This mechanism requires parents to choose …